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J-Hope punched the guy in his face and he punched back. Then he saw his hand rise and the bottle of alcohol fly towards his head, and with a crap ton of pain his ears started to ring and his vision went red. Unable to move anything, he fell down beside the man, feeling paralyzed.

When he returned to his senses, he wasn't in the park anymore. He saw a white ceiling and felt pain in his face. Turning his head, he saw doctors and nurses, and a line of beds. He was in the ER.

"Where's Yoongi?!" He yelled and sat up, looking around frantically for him. Namjoon suddenly popped out of nowhere and walked over. "Hobi, Yoongi hyung's fine, just breathe." He placed a hand on his chest. J-Hope's eyes were red, but not from crying at all. His lip was originally busted open but it had stopped bleeding by now.

"Where is he? What happened? Where's that guy?" J-Hope asked, wincing in pain. "You tackled this random person and when you two fell over, you knocked Yoongi hyung over the side of the bridge- but he's okay, just a few scrapes and a bad headache. He's okay, Hobi." Namjoon tried to calm him down like the doctor had told him. "But-" "You made the right decesion, because when they brought Yoongi hyung into the hospital, we found out that guy drugged him, and that he wasn't drunk. You saved him from a lot of bad things that could've happened." He cut him off.

"Here, lay down." Namjoon helped him lay back down on his back, moving slowly. J-Hope was in too much pain to fight back, he was told what he wanted to hear so he was okay.

"Hyung's a little bit woopy still, but he's getting better and luckily there's nothing long-term. But you have a concussion so you need to rest." Namjoon told him, holding onto his hand. "Where's everyone?" J-Hope asked him, closing his eyes. "They're with Yoongi hyung or back at HYBE. We don't want to attract too much attention." Namjoon explained. J-Hope nodded.

40 Minutes Later, Namjoon Focus

"Hey, hyung." Namjoon sat down next to Yoongi's bed. "Mm, Joonie~" Yoongi reached for him. "Hi." Namjoon repeated, chuckling as he hugged Yoongi for the seventh time this hour. "Where's Jusong, I'm still horny~" Yoongi let go and huffed, looking at the ceiling. Namjoon laughed. "He'll be back soon, I guess, he went out for something." He lied. Jusong got arrested at the park when they got the name out of a drugged Yoongi at the ER.

"Okay~" Yoongi smiled his gummy smile and giggled like a little kid, and even though he wasn't himself, it was cute. Namjoon laughed. "Hey, hyung-" "Hi!" Yoongi gasped and reached to hug Namjoon. "Hi, Joonie!" He cuddled as close to him as he could. Namjoon shook his head. "Do you still love Hoseok hyung?" Namjoon asked him, curiously. "Mhm! I love Hoseokie like Holly! Their names sound the same- Hoseok, Holly- happy!" Yoongi leaned back and threw his hands up. For a moment, Namjoon was concerned he might be in little space- but he always spoke in third person, no matter his age, so that proved he wasn't.

"Hoseokie f*cks good, he's really good-" "I don't need to know, hyung." Namjoon shook his head. "I mean, if you're horny, I'm sure Hoseokie will-" "No thanks, hyung, I don't like guys." Namjoon cut him off. "But it's really good Joonie, maybe you should try some time." Yoongi kept on. "I'm good, hyung." Namjoon laughed. "Okay, suit yourself." Yoongi shrugged and laughed.

Taehyung Focus

"Hey, guys." Naeun entered the hospital room, making Jimin look up. "Oh great, now I have to thirdwhell." Jimin rolled his eyes. "We've all third wheeled with Yoonseok, so shut it." Taehyung stood up and laughed, giving a peck to Naeun's cheek. "Hi, baby." He immediately smiled. "Hi." She hugged him.

"Where's Jungkook?" Naeun asked. "He's at HYBE, trying to balance things out since we have half of our members in the hospital." Taehyung explained. "Here, sit down-" "No, no it's fine, I shouldn't be here too long, just to check in." Naeun shook her head when Taehyung stood up. "Sit." Taehyung told her. Jimin giggled because of his dirty mind, but he knew Taehyung was just trying to be a gentleman. "Okay." Naeun had Taehyung sit down and sat on his lap, and Jimin saw him start to blush. It was cute.

"I-I guess this works." Taehyung laughed nervously and looked at Jimin. "Don't look at me, I'm single." Jimin looked away and laughed. "I mean, I'm sitting." Naeun shrugged. "Yeah, yeah you are." Taehyung laughed.

'Come on Tae, what happened to that sexy as hell dominate persona?' Jimin laughed at his thought and reached for his cup of water. It started getting awkward for some reason, so Jimin spoke up: "What do you think about Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung breaking up?" "They're breaking up?" Naeun asked, turning around to look at Taehyung. "Yeah." He answered for her. "That sucks- they were super cute together." Naeun pouted and looked at the floor. "I think they're only doing it because Yoongi hyung has to leave next week. I think they think it'll be too hard, but I think they've been through worse." Taehyung told Jimin. "Me too, you know." Jimin nodded. "But, we can't make them get back together- maybe there was an argument we don't know about." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Yeah, maybe." Jimin agreed.

"How long will you be here, Jimin?" Naeun asked him. "Maybe a week, I forgot-" "Only three more days." Taehyung interrupted. "Oh, then three more days." Jimin smiled. "Well, I must be going now, I've got some dance practice to do." Naeun stood up and gave a kiss to Taehyung's lips. "Oh, okay..." Taehyung seemed sad she had to leave. "I'll text you later, you big baby." Naeun laughed and so did Jimin. "She's right, you are a big baby." Jimin commented. Taehyung crossed his arms. They said their goodbye's, and once Naeun left, Jimin laughed hysterically.

"Shut up!" Taehyung fired at him, embarrassed as he put his hands between his legs. "Never!" Jimin forced a louder laugh just to make fun. Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You're so immature-"

Jimin laughed more.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now