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"I-I don't want to." Yoongi breathed out, feeling more tears roll down his blushed cheeks from being so mad with himself.

"We have to make some type of progress today, Mr. Min. We have a goal, we should reach it." The therapist told him, motioning for him to try again.

"I-it hurts..."

'You f*cking pussy- suck it up, jesus christ.'

"Thats a sign that your muscle is healing. Let's try again. Pull up." She told him, holding his arm.

'Oh my god.'

Yoongi tried again, biting harshly on his lower lip as his shoulder went numb with pain. His shoulder tingled, vibrating with mercy for Yoongi to stop trying to use it.

"There we go, good..." The physical therapist told him, watching as his arm raised higher than a few hours ago. She saw how his right hand tensed into a fist, and she knew he was in pain.

Yoongi tried to go a quick movement for his hand to go onto his thigh, and ended up choking out a pained sob.

"You did it! Good job, Mr. Min, good job." The therapist praised, sadly watching the older man cry. He didn't seem like the type to do so.

Yoongi sat still for a few minutes, not wanting to ever move his shoulder ever again. The therapist paged a nurse to give him some pain medications, and told Suga how good he did.

'This is so pathetic. I'm pathetic.'

'Wait- f*ck, no I'm not.'

"Tomorrow we'll do it again, and when you can do it without a lot of pain we'll figure out a new exercise." The therapist told him, and Suga groaned.


All of this pain again?! Every day?!


He shouldn't have gotten this surgery.

After his shoulder felt just a bit normal, but still burning with pain, he tried to lay back down to sleep. He barely does anything with his shoulder, and he's exhausted. Like he was in the practice room all day, working hard.

But then again, he has been trying all day.

The nurse came into the room and gave Yoongi some pain medications for his shoulder. In a few minutes after the physical therapist left, the medications started kicking in.

Yoongi decided to text someone who he needed at this very moment.

I know you probably can't
beause of covid, but could
you ask and see if you can
come visit me? I'm

Yoongi cringed at his own words, instantly regretting his decesions. He's not this person, he doesn't ask for these kind of things...

Sure, hyung! I'll see
what I can do💜

You don't have to, it's
fine. I'll be okay if
you can't visit

No way, I'm on my
way now😁


Not even an hour later, the door opened, and Hoongi made eye-contact with J-Hope. He knew J-Hope was smirking under his black mask.

"I had to use a lot of hand sanatizer twice just to get up onto your floor." J-Hope laughed, giggling and running over to Suga with a white bag.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now