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Two days later, BTS was at an interview. The Grammys were tomorrow, or the winners would be announced tomorrow. They had put a stop to their fighting, for the sake of Yoongi leaving. No one's feelings were hurt anymore, there was no arguing, no fighting. They were back to the old BTS, in a good way.

"So Suga, why do you call J-Hope a horse?" The American interviewer asked. Everyone was aware they were back together.

"Because he's fun to ride on." Yoongi responded in plain English, smirking as wide as possible. "Yoongi!" Namjoon gasped and and went wide-eyed, while the interviewer laughed hysterically. Everyone laughed and J-Hope blushed madly. "Well, then!" The interviewer couldn't stop laughing. At least they weren't homophobic. "That-that explains it!"

They all laughed for a long while, before the topic changed.

"And, Suga, why did you stop self-harming?" The interviewer asked, reading from a card. Were they even allowed to ask something like that? The vibe in the room seemed to shatter into a horrible one. "Because of something J-Hope did." Yoongi placed a hand on J-Hope's thigh. "And what was that?" The interviewer asked. Namjoon and everyone else was confused too.

"His blue dog."

"And the Grammy award, for Best Duo/Group, goes to.........."



Author Note

Honestly, this entire book, is everything. I've combined all my fanfic ideas into one book. All my styles, ideas, jokes, are in this book. This is my finest book, and now it has come to an end.

First, I want to say, there will most likely be a book 2 to this, somewhere in the close future. Originally I wasn't going to have Sope get back together, but that last joke was needed.

Second, thank you so much to everyone who has read this book, voted, commented, and supported this. I hope one day more people can read this book, because there's more than fanfiction in here. There's life lessons, and fun facts too.

Third, I love you.

May we meet again...

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now