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Staying at home sucked.

Yoongi was stuck in his room for two weeks, the only company he had were his thoughts and life regrets. There was no where he could go, even if his test came back negative. He shared it in the group chat via a screenshot, and everyone else did to. No one else had it- which was a miracle itself, because they were always around Taehyung.

Currently, he was now sat at his desk and spinning in his swivel chair, going in circles and staring at the floor. He was bored out of his mind. He managed to finish his Fed Up song, so there was nothing else to do since he didn't have his computer that made the beat at the dorm.

He was thinking of J-Hope though, every single moment they shared with each other. He was trying to figure out why he would get so embarrassingly nervously around him. His heart would speed up and his hands would sweaty- and his cheeks would get hot! God he hated it when he blushed, he hated it more than anything. And he wasn't one to visibly blush, just a shy smile and hide away- but no! Certainly not with Jung Hoseok himself, no no no! His entire face got red. And he didn't know why.

God he hated him. Hoseok. Everything was his fault. He made him smile more often, and he hated it. Didn't J-Hope know he just wanted to do everything alone? He wanted to be alone.



I need you in my
room for a minute


J-Hope skipped to Yoongi's room, observing the quiet and empty dorm since everyone was in their room.

"Yes?" He opened Yoongi's door. "I...want you to come draw another dog." Yoongi held out a sharpie, his jacket sleeves rolled up. J-Hope cheered quietly and closed the door, going over to Yoongi's desk and taking the marker. "What kind of dog?" He asked with a smile, sitting on his knees between Yoongi's legs so he could get his wrist. "Doesn't matter." Yoongi shrugged. "Okay." J-Hope uncapped the black marker and turned Yoongi's wrist to see his inner arm, and started drawing the shape of a dog.

"I'm going with a German shepherd puppy. And if you hurt this puppy, I'm going to be mad at you." J-Hope chuckled, resting his head on Yoongi's thigh for the small detail. Yoongi watched the sparkle of happiness in J-Hope's eyes as he drew on his wrist, licking his lips occasionally.

Yoongi didn't need the dog, he just wanted to see J-Hope.

"So what are you doing in your room?" Yoongi brought up awkwardly. "Playing music and drawing- or, trying." J-Hope chuckled. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stop you from what you were do-" "No it's okay, I wanted to be here with you." J-Hope smiled, and looked up at Yoongi to see him blush.


"Okay." Yoongi pretended to sneeze to cover his face. "Bless you." J-Hope laughed. Yoongi just nodded and looked away, the more he knew he was blushing the more he blushed and it was making him blush.


"There." J-Hope smiled and pulled back from Yoongi, and the elder looked down to see a dog drawn on his wrist. "I'm gonna name it Mickie." Yoongi giggled. "Please don't hurt my doggy!" J-Hope begged, capping the marker. "I won't." Yoongi chuckled. "I don't cut that far down my arm." He took a closer look at the dog. A German shepherd wasn't Mickie's breed, but whatever.

"Why?" J-Hope asked. "Typical suicidal stereotypes." Yoongi looked at him. "Not everyone cuts on their wrists." He told him, pulling his sleeves down. "Personally I cut more farther up my arm, like, around halfway on my forearm- not necessarily my wrist." He showed J-Hope. "Or my thighs if I want more of the pain." He explained. "Do your thighs hurt more?" J-Hope asked. "Well, yeah." Yoongi chuckled lightly. "I hit my arm more than I do my thighs, they barely get any contact anyway, so imagine something sharp penetrating your skin on a place that isn't used to touch." He explained.

"That sounds...dirty." J-Hope laughed. "You make it sound dirty! Stop!" Yoongi laughed, J-Hope hiding his face. "It's not dirty unless you make it dirty, gosh." Yoongi shook his head. "Plus, we're talking about self harm, it shouldn't sound dirty, Hoseok." He glared down at him. "I'm sorry." J-Hope laughed. "Sure you are." Yoongi shook his head.

"Yoongi hyung?" J-Hope said, his voice serious. "Hm?" Yoongi turned around to put the sharpie away. "When was the last time you self-harmed?" J-Hope asked quietly. He didn't want to accidentally offend Yoongi and/or make him uncomfortable, but he wanted to know how he was doing. "I, actually don't remember." Yoongi laughed nervously and turned back to J-Hope.

"I think a few days ago, maybe sometime last week, I'm not sure." He shrugged, standing up for no reason. He didn't want to talk about it without doing something else. J-Hope was still on his knees on the floor, and when Yoongi looked down at him it seemed inappropriate in his mind. "Get up."

"Oh- yeah."

J-Hope laughed and stood up awkwardly.

"Then, that's good, right?!" He smiled. "I guess...not really when you look at it in the long run." Yoongi searched for his phone. "Well, if it was last week, then that's an entire seven days! It's amazing!" J-Hope giggled. "Stop being my cheerleader." Yoongi laughed. "Go Yoongi, go Yoongi, go, go, go Yoongi!" J-Hope did his happy dance, which made Yoongi's stomach and heart swap spots in awe. "Stop it." He smirked and hit his chest. "Okay." J-Hope immediately agreed, laughing.

"You never manage to fail at brightening my soul." Yoongi joked, finding his phone. "Yay!" J-Hope threw his hands in the air. "That's why I call myself J-Hope." He smirked. "And that's why you're also called the Ray of Sunshine." Yoongi added on with a sarcastic smile. "They call me that?! That's so cute!" J-Hope giggled. "No, I came up with it and ARMY followed." Yoongi chuckled, blushing a little. "Aww, you gave me that~?" J-Hope hugged Yoongi from behind. "Yes, now get off~" Yoongi groaned and playfully tried to push him off. "That's so cute!" J-Hope jumped up and down slightly.


Yoongi blushed even more than he was at the nickname J-Hope had whispered in his ear, hugging him tight with his hands on his tummy. Yoongi could feel his heart screaming and his hands get warmer. Panic! "Yah don't call me that~" Yoongi squirmed. "Why? It suites you." J-Hope giggled. "You're such a flirt, Hoseok!" Yoongi escaped successfully. "Thank you." J-Hope smirked.

"Okay, thank you for drawing a dog on my arm so I don't cut and kill myself!" Yoongi smiled at him. "You're welcome! Can we watch a movie together though?" J-Hope asked with a pouty face. "No." Yoongi sat down on his bed. "Please~!" J-Hope laid down on Yoongi, resting his head between his legs. "No." Yoongi repeated, looking down at J-Hope. "Pwease?!" J-Hope whined.

"No." Yoongi told him firmly. "I'll do anything, Yoongi oppa~" J-Hope changed his tone to a girly one and moved his head on Yoongi's abdomen. "Oh my god, stop!" Yoongi laughed and sat up, pushing J-Hope off. J-Hope laughed.

"Fine." Yoongi gave up, getting up for his laptop. "I'll go get a blanket!" J-Hope escaped to his room. Yoongi shook his head, he always broke when it was J-Hope. "Got it!" J-Hope barged in and jumped on Yoongi's bed, moving the pillows out of the way. "Good for you." Yoongi grabbed his laptop for Netflix and sat next to J-Hope. "What do you want to watch?" He asked.

"What are you doing?"

Yoongi looked over at J-Hope. "We need snacks!" J-Hope ran for the kitchen. Yoongi sighed and shook his head again, looking for something to watch.

50 Shades of Gray?

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now