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Of course J-Hope just had to have a wet dream, why not? Just throw one in there for some action, no reason at all. Oh, guess what, he talks in his sleep. That's the fun part.

Yoongi was asleep the entire time, magically, but Jimin on the other hand was not.

He got up for a glass of water and heard questionable noises from Yoongi's room, and since he was still drowsy from sleep he went inside. He had a 'bruh' face when he realized what it was, and went back to the kitchen for his holy water without closing the door.

So that's nice.

When Yoongi woke up, he was hard as well. He groaned and curled into a ball. Most likely it was because J-Hope was fully pressed against him, and he was open to non-straight things, says his body.

"Jung Hoseok wake the hell up!" Yoongi turned over, irritated. "Ow!" J-Hope jumped awake when he felt pain on his chest. Yoongi had hit him. "What?" He groaned, almost instantly feeling the terrible pain in his dick from his long-lasted boner. It hurt like hell, he immediately regretted not fixing it last night. His stomach was cramped painfully, and there were wet spots on his boxers assumingly from precum.

"Get up." Yoongi moved away from J-Hope. "Fine." J-Hope scoffed, sitting up, wincing. It hurt to move. "I'll go cuddle myself then." He stood up and looked down. His erection was easily noticable in the thin jeans he was wearing.


Yoongi heard the door close behind him, then open again. "Go away, Hoseok." He grumbled, sitting up out of irritation. "It's Jimin, hyung..." Jimin's voice rang, making Yoongi look over. "Sorry, Chim." Yoongi sighed, hiding his boner with the thick blankets he had. "It's alright, I just wanted to make sure you were up, is all." Jimin plopped down next to him on his bed.

"I don't want to be." Yoongi joked. "Me neither- I was so tired this morning." Jimin laughed. "I'm gonna go back to sleep, just for a few minutes." Yoongi flopped back down onto his back. "Can I sleep with you?" Jimin asked, laying down. "I can't see Taehyung, and Jungkook always kicks me." The younger pouted. "Namjoon?" Yoongi asked. "He sprawls out." Jimin told him. "Jin hyung?" Yoongi turned to him. "He snores- but don't tell him that!" Jimin laughed. "Hoseok?" The elder asked, out of members.

"He's masturbating."

"What-" Yoongi choked and turned over. "So I have to sleep with you." Jimin hugged Yoongi from behind. "Plus, you love me~" He giggled. "Whatever." Yoongi groaned, hiding under the blankets. He ever so carefully started rubbing himself through the jeans he wore yesterday, hoping Jimin didn't notice. "Speaking of love, you never said who you're in love with!" Jimin sat up, so Yoongi immediately stopped with a groan of sexual frusteration. "It's a secret. Now go to sleep, or go away." Yoongi told him. "Is it someone in the group?" Jimin asked. Yoongi didn't respond, hoping Jimin would give up.

"Is it?"

"Is it someone in the group?"

"A guy?"

"A girl?


"Who is it?"

"Yoongi hyung."


"I know you're not asleep."

"Don't ignore me!"

"Is it Jin hyung?"

"You always soften around him."

"Or Namjoon hyung?"

"You get lost in his eyes."

"Hosoek hyung?"

"You two are north and South pole, they attract."


"We all know you have a sweet spot for him."


"Everybody loves him."

"Omg is it me?! Is that why you're not talking to me?!"

"Yoongi hyung!"


"Yoongi hyungie~"

"Respond to me~"

"I'm like a phone now, lol."

"You know, I really should-"

"Park Jimin, if you do not shut your mouth right now I swear to god and satan I will chop your dick off and choke you with it."

Jimin laughed. "Finally! I wanted to make sure you weren't dead." He smirked. "Fine, I'll be quiet." He laid back down.

"Yoongi hyung one more thing." Jimin said, cautiously. "What in the same hell is it, Jimin?" Yoongi turned around. "I wanted you to face me, it makes me sad when people sleep facing away from me. Taehyungie always cuddled me into his chest." Jimin pouted, adorably. "No cuddling." Yoongi closed his eyes. "And if it makes you shut up, then yes, I will gladly face this direction." He said, trying to sleep.

Jimin shuffled closer to Yoongi, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. This wasn't normal, Yoongi didn't like others sleeping in his bed. Jimin's never really got this close in a long time. He was stuck looking at every single cute feature of the elder.

Jimin schooched closer, huddled under the blankets. He watched Yoongi carefully, not wanting to make him upset.

And Jimin kissed Yoongi on his lips.

"JIMIN!" Yoongi immediately jerked his head back, his eyes shooting open when he felt Jimin kiss him. "What are you doing?!" He yelled, sitting up quickly. "I just kissed you, what do you think I'm doing?" Jimin sat up, a pink blush on his face. "What?!" Yoongi wiped his mouth, staring at Jimin in utter shock. "I'm bisexual, tell me I don't give off those vibes." Jimin sighed. "And, I love you." He looked up at Yoongi. "More than a best friend, more than a bandmate." He glanced down at Yoongi's lips and inched closer to him. "I love you, like...a lover."

"That's not funny, Jimin!" Yoongi moved away from him. "I'm not joking though, hyung." Jimin confessed. "I do, love you." He looked down shyly, his heart going faster than he could speak. "Jimin, stop." Yoongi wasn't disgusted, but shocked. "Don't do that, it's not funny, and just because I'm pansexual doesn't mean you have to copy me like a younger sibling and question your sexuality- you know what, get out." Yoongi pointed to his door. "I'm not joking, Yoongi hyung!" Jimin shouted. "And I've been bisexual for years!" He told him.

"Well, good for you, but I don't have any other feelings for you than a younger brother." Yoongi explained. "And, I probably never will." He added. "Let me show you hyung, please- I know you love me too." Jimin moved closer to Yoongi. "You choose me over everyone else-" "That doesn't mean I'm in love with you!" Yoongi placed his hands on Jimin's chest to keep him back. Jimin pulled his hands off and kissed him again, throwing his arms over his neck. Yoongi's eyes widened as he tried to figure out a way to move Jimin away from him, he panicked.

Jimin kept the kiss deep, tugging softly on Yoongi's hair in attempt to get him to kiss back. He moved closer to get a better kiss, onto Yoongi's lap. Yoongi moved back, trying to figure out what to do. He didn't want to hurt Jimin, but he was close to the edge of the bed. Jimin smirked against Yoongi's lips when he could feel his erection against his bottom, grinding down onto him and biting Yoongi's bottom lip. Yoongi groaned, pulling away successfully. Jimin kept his hand in his hair and pushed him back into a kiss, constantly grinding his hips down onto his lap.

"STOP!" Yoongi managed to push Jimin off of him, which sent him over the edge of the bed from how forceful he went at him. Jimin ran over to make sure he was okay. "No- GET THE HELL OUT!" Yoongi stood up quickly and shoved Jimin back, placing his hands on his chest with tears forming in his eyes. "Yoongi hyung-" "What's going on?" Jin walked in, cutting off Jimin.

"GET OUT, JIMIN!" Yoongi pushed him towards Jin. "Yoongi, calm down-" "GET OUT!"

Jin gently moved Jimin out of Yoongi's room and closed the door, turning back to Yoongi, expecting an explination.

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