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"Joon, we have to do something..."

Namjoon sighed and looked back up at Jin, tear stains on their most exotic member's cheeks as he slept. "I know..." He figured out J-Hope's position; a fetal one, curled tightly in a small ball with his hands near his chest. "I can't remember the last time I saw or knew J-Hope cry himself to sleep. We have to do something." Jin looked at him. "We should tell Yoongi." Namjoon blurted out, looking back up to Jin. "If we tell him, then he can talk to Hoseok and they can sort it out." He explained, his right hand resting on J-Hope's leg. "Maybe we should..." Jin sighed.

"But you have to remember: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."

Namjoon nodded in understanding. "We should go tell him now." He stood up. Jin laughed. "Why are we always like the parents?" He smiled, walking towards the door. "I don't know." Namjoon shrugged, chuckling as they made their way to Yoongi's room.

"Maybe because you're the eldest and I'm the leader, I don't know." Namjoon went inside Yoongi's room before Jin could hit him. He saw his hand raise, and ran inside.

"Yoongi hyung." Namjoon called out, seeing Yoongi cuddling with Jimin. Well, Jimin was laying his head on his chest and Yoongi had his arm around his shoulders. "Yeah?" Yoongi looked over. The two seemed to be looking at something on the elder's phone.

"We need to talk to you..." Jin looked at Namjoon, then to Jimin, then back at Yoongi. "Okay..." Yoongi looked down at Jimin. "It'll just be a few minutes, baby." He kissed the top of his head. "It's okay." Jimin smiled, sitting up. He left with a cute smile, closing the door behind him.

"Hoseok-ah isn't okay." Jin sat down next to him, while Namjoon sat in front of him. "There's something you should know." He added on. "You might be mad, or, something- but you need to know." Jin told him. "Why would I be mad at J-Hope? D-does he think that?" Yoongi asked quickly. Jin and Namjoon looked at each other, then back to Yoongi.

"We didn't really get that far..."

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi asked. "You're worrying me." He looked at them nervously.

"Hoseok loves you like you love Jimin."

Jin and Namjoon waited for a hostile reaction, but Yoongi was just in shock.

"The night you two had a fight or something, he was going to just blurt it out. He told me he's had those feelings for you for a long time." Jin told him, scared he was going to lash out or get angry. "He didn't tell anyone because he's not fully sure what he is, he doesn't have a label on his sexuality yet, he just knows he loves you." Namjoon added on. "But, then Jimin walked in and whatever happened, so he didn't tell you. He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with Jimin or make Jimin feel awkward: which is the reason we're here." He looked at Jin, then back to Yoongi.

"As middle-school as it sounds, he's confused." Jin spoke. "He's confused and scared, he doesn't want to ruin anything or be a burden but he's in love and he can't help it." He saw confusion in Yoongi's eyes.

Confusion? Maybe he was reading him wrong...

"We need you to talk to him about it. He needs to talk to you, he's not as stable as he seems." Namjoon sighed quietly.

Yoongi stayed silent, trying to process everything.

"Yoongi hyung!" J-Hope walked on. "Oh- nevermind." He went serious when he saw Namjoon and Yoongi. "Hoseok, wait." Jin called out once he started to leave. "Hm?" J-Hope turned around.

"Come here." Jin motioned for him to come sit next to him. "I have some other stuffs to do, it's okay." J-Hope smiled.

"Hoseok, get over here." Yoongi demanded.

J-Hope gulped and walked over, sitting next to Namjoon. "What's up?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Can you two go?" Yoongi looked at Jin and Namjoon. "Yeah." Jin quickly stood up, leaving with Namjoon in less than ten seconds.

They stood outside the door just in case things went bad, closing it so they wouldn't know they were still there.

"Jin and Namjoon told me you love me, more than a friend." Yoongi blurted out. "Is that true?" He asked, looking into J-Hope's eyes with an unreadable expression.

J-Hope froze completely. Yoongi was gonna yell at him and never be his friend again, here it is...

"Y-yeah..." He mumbled quietly, moving away from Yoongi. "Why didn't you tell me?" Yoongi's tone went soft again. "B-because I was scared you would hurt yourself because of me, or we wouldn't be friends anymore, or you would just hate me forever and yell at me and-" "Hobi, I would never do that to you." Yoongi quickly cut him off. "Do you remember what I told you a few days after the car wreck? When you walked in and I was on the floor?" He moved closer to him. "Barely..." J-Hope laughed nervously, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

"I told you that you've saved my life more than once. I could never be angry with a person I owe my literal life to. The reason of that, is, because..." Yoongi trailed off.

He couldn't tell him his feelings, he would probably hurt Jimin...but then again, he still loved him. His plan of getting rid of them was fiction.

"Because you're important to me." He sighed. "More than anything. I can't possibly hate you for loving someone." He took a breath, seeing tears in J-Hope's eyes. "You were in pain, all this time...and you never told me." Yoongi reached for his hand, and held it. "I told you all my sh*t, and you don't even tell me important stuff like that, I'm offended." He tried to joke, but it didn't really work with the sensative mood.

"I know." J-Hope continued looking down, he didn't want to look Yoongi in the eye yet. "I'm sorry." He apologized, taking his hands away. "No- don't you dare apologize." Yoongi leaned forward and pulled him close to him. "It's not your fault."

The room filled with silence, and J-Hope was about to cry when Yoongi spoke again.

"How long have you been in love with me?"

That was a hard question. He knew he loved Yoongi since years ago, but he didn't call it love until just a few weeks ago.

"Long time." J-Hope cuddled closer to Yoongi, feeling weak when he was with Yoongi- in a comforting way. He could drop the sunshine attitude and not get judged when he was with Yoongi- and vise versa.

"Since when? How long have you liked me more than a...friend?" Yoongi asked.

"You...you remember back when all of us had a few days to see our parents, but my train back home got cancelled?" J-Hope mumbled. Yoongi hummed, he knew where this was going. "And, you, came all the way back here to keep me company since I had to stay, and we watched movies, and...stuff..." J-Hope looked down, fiddling with his fingers. "Four years?" Yoongi looked down at him. "Mhm..." J-Hope nodded slightly. "I didn't realize it was love until...well, your shoulder surgery and then you relapsed, and I just- I don't wanna lose you, especially to suicide or something preventable." He explained, tears in his eyes.

"Can you get Jimin for me?"

J-Hope sat up and wiped the unshed tears from his eyes. "Sure..." He knew Yoongi would hate him.

He stood up and left Yoongi's room on a search for his boyfriend, when he bumped right into Namjoon and Jin. "Everything okay?" Jin asked first. "Mhm." J-Hope nodded, walking away, looking down then perking up when he heard Jimin laughing with Taehyung.

Everything was not okay.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now