Chapter 2

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You black out just after being loaded onto the aircraft your saviors arrived in. You then awaken in a white room with the lights turned off. As your vision comes back to you, you can see multiple machines around you with multiple tubes stuck into you, feeding liquids into your body. You turn your head to your left and see a clock, 4:35 am. You are still quite groggy from whatever anesthetic they gave you and decide to go back to sleep till people show up to check on you.


???: Doctor, he is waking up.

???: Good, get ready in case anything happens. We dont know anything about who this is or where they came from.

???: Yes sir. *sounds of guns being switched off safety and pistols being cocked*

Your vision comes back to you once again.

Y/N: *groan* Who's there?

???: Hello, do you know where you are?

You look up and see a man who is obviously a doctor leaning over you.

Y/N: Im assuming a hospital or something given the white everything and your outfit, but then again I may be is an insane asylum but I highly doubt that.

Doctor: Well, he is at least responding clearly. Nurse, start recording any readings on the machine that look to be out of the ordinary.

Nurse: The only thing that stands out is that there is no Aura reading.

Doctor: Excuse me? What do you mean by theres no Aura reading.

Nurse: I mean there is no Aura reading at all. Its like he doesnt have one.

???: Interesting.

Doctor: Well as long as everything else is normal that I am going to clear him for any questions you have Professor.

???: Thank you Doctor. If youll leave so I may ask some questions to our interesting fellow here.

Your vision is still blurry but you can make out the doctor leaving with the nurse in tow.

???: Hello, my name is Professor Ozpin. I am in charge of the facility that you are currently in. Would you happen to remember your name?

Y/N: Y/N. Can I ask where exactly I am? I've been trying to figure that out since I got here last night but I have yet to find out.

P. Ozpin: Like I said, you are in a facility that I oversee. Until I can decide on if you are safe to have that information, I am sorry to say but thats all the information youll get as to your whereabouts.

Y/N: Makes sense. Alright well what do I need to tell you to let me get some answers in return?

P. Ozpin: Well lets start with who you are exactly.

Y/N: Alright, as I already told you my name is Y/N. I am a pilot in the United Nations Air Force. I am based out of Anchorage Alaska. I mostly do hit and runs on demon positions, but I doubt I will be doing any of that anytime soon.

P. Ozpin: United Nations Air Force? Alaska? Demons? The only one of those I know anything about are the demons but theyre called Grimm. 

Y/N: No no, those things out there arnt the same as what I had been fighting back home. Where ever this place is, it definitely isnt anywhere near where I am from.

P. Ozpin: Alright, so what was that thing that my team found you in? I gather that it is some type of aircraft but its nothing like what we use. 

Y/N: Yes it is a plane. Its an F4U Corsair thats been modified to suit modern hit and run tactics as the plane is too old to go against the demons in head on dogfights.

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