Chapter 43 (Current Final Chapter)

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Y/N: So, this plan?

Ruby: Penny has to go to the vault, right? This virus will keep harming her if she doesn't. So why not-

Jaune: So why don't we bring her there and use what's inside. We've been so focused on keeping it closed, but we never considered actually using it to our advantage.

Ozcar: The Staff of Creation. 

Ruby: Maybe we could use it to save Penny and get everyone in Atlas and Mantle back to safety. 

Weiss' scroll beeps and she takes it out to see what it is.

Weiss: Well, you'll never guess who I just heard from. 

Y/N: Santa? The Gingerbread man? Oh, I bet it's the Muffin Man.

Jaune: Wha-

Y/N: You know. The Muffin Man, the one who lives on Drury Lane. 

Weiss: *sigh* Y/N, stop. It's Winter. She wants to help stop Ironwood.

Y/N: Oh...she is much better than the Muffin Man. *mumbles* She can actually cook more than muffins.

Weiss: Let's head inside to talk about this, and Y/N, please stop bringing up whoever this Muffin Man is.

Y/N: Fine. 

The group stands up and we all head back inside to the room we were in before Penny had her whole mental breakdown episode. 

Weiss: So, we've got people trapped in Atlas and Mantle that we can't evacuate unless we use the Staff, which is located inside the Vault. If we open the Vault, Penny terminates. If Ironwood gets wind of any of this, he blows up Mantle. 

Oscar: There's something else to consider. Once the Staff creates anything else, the city drops. Atlas has enough natural Gravity Dust to keep it from plummeting immediately but, well, nobody's going to want to be around when it touches down. 

Jaune: Okay, then let's use the Staff to teleport everyone to safety. Maybe even to another kingdom. 

Oscar: We can't just wave it like a magic wand and make our problems go away.

Y/N: *mumbles* Pretty fucking sucky staff then. Gandalf just waves his and shit happens.

Oscar: Did you say something Y/N?

Y/N: Nothing that Weiss won't tell me to shut up for.

Oscar: Anyways, we haven't even told you about him.

Yang: Who?

Oscars eyes shimmer, signaling everyone that Ozpin has taken over.

Ozcar: The spirit in the Staff. Like Jinn but, well, he's a character. He can build you anything, but only if you can explain to him how. Like any craftsman, he'll need blueprints. Some sort of reference. It'll help if we have real world examples to show him. 

Whitley: I've already gone through the city layouts for the SDC evacuation. Maybe I can help?

Y/N: True, having a good knowledge of where everything is would help greatly if we were to try something with the Staff that involved moving everyone.

Ozcar: There's still James and his bomb to consider. 

Weiss: Oh, I've got a plan for that. 

Y/N: Do tell.

Weiss: We have Emerald disguise herself as Penny and she will go to Ironwood. It will make it seem like Penny came alone, all the while she is also masking Oscar, Jaune, Ren, and Nora. Along with the help of Winter, they will take care of Ironwood. With you five, and Winter, Ironwood won't stand a chance, especially considering his surprise when Emerald reveals herself and the others. 

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