Chapter 18

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Before this chapter starts, I am going to say that this particular event is out of order from the show. I forgot about adding it earlier near to when it actually happens, so I am inserting it here.

Walking into the cafeteria, you look around and notice that there are a few teams eating. Not nearly enough to fill the whole room, but quite a bit more than you would have expected. Walking to the lunch line, you wait and get something to eat. Walking back towards the tables, you sit down where you would normally sit. You begin to eat when you hear a disturbance to the calm room.

???: OW! That hurts!


Cardin: See, I told you they were real.

You turn and see Cardin pulling on a rabbit Faunus' ears. Getting up, you walk over to them while he is still pulling on her ears.

Y/N: Cardin. What do you think you're doing?

Cardin: Oh, its you. What's it to you? You two freaks in a relationship or something?

Cardin's team laughs at this last statement.

Y/N: The only freak here is you. Besides, if I remember correctly, I ended our fight last time with you walking away in shame. Or am I missing something?

Cardin stands up and gets within a foot of you. He does stand a bit shorter than you now that you are close to him. 

Cardin: We can try that again and I will show you just how lucky you were last time.

Y/N: How about, no?

You bring your hand up between the two of you, and flick him in his chest. Surprising everyone including yourself, he does actually get knocked backwards. Walking forward you flick him again but even harder on the bridge of his nose. This knocks him back farther, having to actually catch himself from falling down. As he stands back up, you can see blood trickle down from his nose. Walking forward, you ball your fist and bring it to your side, walking past the rabbit Faunus girl who is standing there watching with wide eyes. You notice that Cardin actually flinches as you raise your fist. Get within arms reach of him, you stop.

Y/N: If you know whats good for you Cardin, you will walk away. If I can knock you back with a flick from a finger, then imagine what I can do with putting force behind a fist.

Cardin gulps and nods at his team to start walking with him away from you. Lowering your fist and watching team CRDL walk away, you turn to the Faunus.

Y/N: Are you alright?

???: *silence*

Turning to fully face her, you walk forward and lower yourself a bit to better look her in the face.

Y/N: Hey, I know that probably didn't feel great but I doubt that he did enough to put you into shock, so are you ok?

???: Oh! Uh, I'm sorry. Thank you, to be honest I was more in shock of what you did. Nobody has done that to Cardin before.

Standing back up straight, you smile at her.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. It was kind of hard to not step in when he was disturbing this long needed calmness. Might I have your name?

???: Oh, my name is Velvet Scarlatina. Team CFVY.

Y/N: Wonderful name, love the accent by the way. Its a refreshing change from everyone else's around here. And I have met your leader, Coco Adel. My name is-

Velvet: I already know who you are, Y/N L/N. You have gained quite the reputation around here. 

Y/N: Oh, well this is new. I've never had someone know who I am before I introduced myself. So, Miss Scarlatina, care to join me for a continued lunch till the rest of your team arrives?

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