Chapter 17

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You've landed and the Fair Lady has been parked in her hangar. Walking towards the landing pads, you meet the teams as they are coming back from the city. First off of the bullhead is JNPR, followed by by a team you recognize but don't know, and finally RWBY. JNPR and RWBY make their way over to you. You do however notice that Neo is not with them.

Y/N: Ruby, where's Neo?

Ruby looks down at her feet with a sad expression.

Y/N: Ruby,

Blake: I'm sorry Y/N, but she disappeared. We lost track of her after the train broke through the square. We don't know where she is.

Y/N: Who saw her last?

Yang: She was with me when I went into the train, there were some White Fang and one of them got a lucky shot, knocking me out. After that I didn't see her again.

Blake: I saw her after I took Roman down but she just kept running to the front of the train. 

Weiss: Same here, she just kept running past me.

Y/N: Anyone else? JNPR?

Pyrrha: Sorry, but I haven't seen her. She wasn't around when we got there.

Y/N: Damnit. Give me a moment, I'm going to text her.

You turn and walk a couple steps away from the group. Pulling out your scroll you find Neo's contact and text her. You stand there for a minute or two. Nothing. You stare at it for another three minutes and still nothing. You sigh and put your scroll back into your pocket. 

Ruby: I'm sorry Y/N.

You turn and look back at her over your shoulder.

Y/N: You're sorry? You're sorry. Of course you're sorry, why wouldn't you be? I put my trust in you, your team, and Neo. I trusted you all to keep an eye on her and Neo, I hoped maybe she actually did change. 

Pyrrha walks up to you and puts her hand on your shoulder. You shake it off and begin to walk back to the school.



The punching bag rips as your fist impacts the already worn bag. 


Throwing two more punches, the bag's straps begin to rip from the stress.


Throwing one final punch, your fist goes through the thick material and rips the bag from its straps, sending it back away from you, falling to the floor. You step back and breathe before reaching up and taking the torn straps from the chain. Throwing them to the torn bag, you look at the three other bags leaning up next to the wall, all in various states of being destroyed.

Ozpin: You know those aren't exactly cheap right?

You turn and look at the headmaster, standing a good distance away from you. Holding his cup like always, he begins to walk forward.

Ozpin: You know, when you brought Neopolitan here, I was skeptical to say the least. But I am a believer in second chances, especially when someone backs them. You put your trust in her, you welcomed her into your life, and she gave hers to you while she was here.

You stare back at him as he stands by the broken punching bags.

Ozpin: We don't know what happened to her. There have been no sightings, no reports, nothing. Roman Torchwick is still in captivity, so she hasn't tried to break him out. The worrying thing is that her "team" has yet to return as well. 

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