Chapter 28

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For the next thirty minutes or so, you tell Winter about everything that has happened to you. All the way from you joining the air force, to when you woke up in the hospital without the Grimm's presence in your mind. After you finish, you turn your focus back to your dinner, which has turned cold at this point. Scowling, you finish it off quickly and get up, heading to the kitchen to wash your bowl and fork. You place your dishes into the sink and look back at Winter who has her head in her hands, staring at her bowl.

Y/N: You alright?

Winter quickly turns her head to face you and just about jumps out of her seat.

Winter: You've gone through all of that and you ask me if I'm alright!? How are you alright!? How are you so calm about this!? You have lost both an arm and a leg, you have a Grimm in your head, and you have virtually zero chance of being able to get back to your home! You were literally in a coma-like state for three whole months! Sure I had a good quality upbringing but even then it wasn't perfect, yet you ask me if I am alright.

You begin to wash your bowl and then you keep talking.

Y/N: The only reason I am so calm about it is that I have more things to worry about. Sure, I miss being able to feel anything with my left foot. Sure, I still have pain coming from my right arm. And sure, these marks are a shitty reminder of what is inside me. But I have more to worry about. I have more friends here than I ever had back home, and I need to make sure they are ok. Even if I end up becoming more machine than man, as long as they are ok, then I am willing to make that sacrifice for their sake.

Winter gets up from the table and walks around it and into the kitchen. She then pushes your shoulder to make you face her. She then promptly smacks you across your face.

Y/N: What was that for!?

Winter: Don't you ever say something like that again. There is a limit to being selfless. And once you cross that line, you are no longer selfless, you are just stupid. You will not give up your body just for the sake of others. You will not just put this pain into the back of your mind. You will make it through this, intact or as intact as your are now. 

Y/N: And how are you going to make sure that happens? I lost my leg because of me, I lost my arm because I went up to that tower, and I got these marks because of what is inside me, which need I remind you that I am actively working with it to become stronger. So how are you going to stop me from myself!?

Winter: By being beside you the whole way through.

Y/N: What?

Winter: The General was supposed to be the one to tell you but, I guess now is as good a time as any. You and I are partners now. Any missions we go on, its as a team. No more solo missions, no more one on one diplomatic missions. Like it or not, you and I are bound together till the day one of us retires or dies. 

You stand there and stare down at the woman before you. Slowly you turn your attention back to the dishes.

Y/N: So...are you coming with me? To find my friends?

Winter: No. You are not officially a specialist till the General gets through with the paperwork. Which will take a few days. So I am still required to stay here, and you have the time the General gave you to track down your friends.

Y/N: I see. Are you done with your bowl?

Winter nods and walks back to the table, grabbing her bowl and setting it down on the counter next to the sink. She then walks into her room and closes the door. You stand there quietly for the next few minutes, finishing up the dishes. You then get some containers to put the left over food into and put it in the refrigerator. Finishing that, you take the pots and pans, cleaning them as well. You then sit down on the couch and pull your scroll out to check the time. 7:52 PM. Sighing, you pull your other scroll out and activate it. It turns on, showing an image that resembles the helmets of the large statues in the Schnee manor. It then changes to the normal translucent screen and asks for your contact. You put it in, and once again it changes to the first image, before your name appears below it, with the helmet turning gold instead of the original white. You raise an eyebrow at this but you shrug it off. You tap on the screen, and it brings up a chat menu. You type into it, and wait for a response.

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