Chapter 26

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You make it down and once you make it to where Jaune, Ren, and Nora are standing, you watch Jaune jump over the edge. Looking up, you see a giant Nevermore breach through the shield and slam down on the platform just short of Pyrrha.


The landing from the Nevermore pushed both Pyrrha and Jaune back. It screeched and went to attack Pyrrha when out of nowhere, Ruby attacked it with one of Penny's blades, diverting its attention. The Nevermore took flight and circled the arena, then it swooped down to attack, but things started to impact its back and wings, sending it sliding to the ground. With it being still, you could see clearly that lockers had impacted the giant bird, and one by one started opening. Revealing the weapons of various team members who all went and retrieved their weapons. Only to then have to put the Nevermore out of its misery with a very flashy attack. You jumped down and ran across to meet up with the other students, Pyrrha apologized to Ruby, which turned everyone attention to them.

Pyrrha: Ruby I...I am so sorry.

Ruby: Me too. But it wasn't your fault.

Jaune: She's right. 

Jaune walked up to Pyrrha with her sword and shield in his hands.

Jaune: Whoever was on the microphone, they're the ones who did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.

He holds out her weapons, and she stands up to take them from him. You look over and see that all of the students decided to line up to strike a pose for some reason.

Y/N: All right, as touching as that was and...whatever that is. (gesturing to the pose) We are all students in a school meant to train hunters, so how about we go put those skills to good use, instead of striking hero poses like we are in some kind of animated cartoon? 

Looking up, you see various Grimm perching on top of the walls of the now open colosseum. 

Y/N: We should probably take care of them.

Ruby's locker touches down as well and as she runs over to get her weapon, a Gryphon lands behind it and roars at her. Somebody shoots it from the side and you turn to see Oobleck and Port with their own weapons.

Y/N: Great timing.

Port: Students, I think it would be best for you to leave.

Ruby: But we-

Oobleck: Miss Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnants history, and I would prefer if my students lived to tell about it.

Ruby nods to him and grabs her weapon.

Ruby: Lets go!

The students all run to the landing platforms outside leaving You, Oobleck, and Port in the arena.

Y/N: You sure y'all will be alright?

Port: Did you not pay attention in my class Mr. L/N? Those weren't made up stories I'll have you know. Now get going. We'll be just fine.

You nod to him and run down the hall where the other students left.

After finally catching up with the others, you all meet up and talk with Ironwood as he is getting ready to leave on some aircraft you haven't seen before.

Jaune: What should we do!?

G. Ironwood: You have two choices. Defend your kingdom and school, or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave.

The students all look to each other and you walk forward through them. Walking up to Ironwood, you stop in front of him.

Y/N: You had asked me to join you. You had asked me to help you protect people. And right now there are people that need protecting. So if you can give me the ability to protect in the best way I know how, then I promise you that I will be on the first flight to Atlas. Sir.

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