Chapter 5

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Over the weekend, you continued to get more familiar with the campus so that you could at least navigate it without getting lost. You didn't meet many more students aside from one or two that were just curious about who you were. You also managed to get ahold of a uniform so you had something to go to class in at least. You also spoke with Ozpin more about what exactly it is that you'll be doing for the teachers and it boils down to helping them with sorting papers or grading assignments. Simple enough. Ozpin gave you a card with 500 Lien on it so that you could purchase some extra clothing and returned your revolver to you, which has been converted to a dust round revolver so that you had something to use in combat practice.

This chapter will start with you heading to the first class of the day, Professor Port's.


You walk into the lecture hall and head towards Professor Port's classroom. As you walk in, Ruby waves you over to sit with her and her team. You make your way over and sit between them and JNPR. 

Pyrhha: Good morning Y/N. How was your weekend?

Y/N: It was alright. I got a better handle on navigation of this school, got my revolver back, and Ozpin gave me some money to go and get some clothing with but sadly the store here on campus doesn't sell any clothing aside from the normal school merchandise stuff. While this school has been nice to me so far, I don't particularly want to be a walking promotional ad.

Pyrhha: I understand that. I can't really go anywhere outside of school without at least three people recognizing me from some ad campaign when I was doing tournaments. 

Y/N: Wait, you did tournaments? Like what kind?

Pyrhha: Fighting tournaments. Same thing as the Vytal Festival.

Y/N: Not too keen on that either. Care to fill me in?

Weiss: Quiet you two. The Professor is walking in!

You turn to see Professor Port walking in and immediately going to his desk to pick up a picture.

P. Port: Can anyone tell me who this strapping young lad is?

*Total silence*

P. Port: Why its me of course! It should be quite obvious, yes? I admit, in my later years I have grown a bit wider around the midsection, but I am just as spry as I was in my youth!

???: *In a whisper behind you* Only a bit wider? 

P. Port: I heard that Mr. Winchester. I would suggest you show some respect to your teachers, as it may be one of us saving you from expulsion one of these days, and I can assure that Professor Goodwitch is not nearly as forgiving as I.

You here a slight chuckle behind you but you choose to not acknowledge it as Port has begun his lecture again.

Professor Port stands there for the next hour, retelling one of his many "daring" and "heroic" adventures, he then hands a test out to the students. Thankfully you were exempt from it seeing as it was on material you were present for to hear. He then dismissed everyone to their next class, Professor Ooblecks.


You walk into Professor Ooblecks class and take your seat before anyone else has arrived. You notice you still have about ten minutes before class starts so you decide to lean back in your chair and close your eyes for a bit. That is until...

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