Chapter 38

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You watch the fleet as the ship continues to get closer to Atlas.

COMM: Manta 5-1, welcome home. Please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay, Omega-12. A security team will meet you there.

Ruby: I don't understand. What's happening here?

Qrow: I don't know.

Y/N: Well I can at least confirm that he did all of this over night. Because only a few ships were here when I left for Argus.

Jaune: But we are here. We got the lamp to Atlas. So, I guess we land and get some answers.

Weiss: I'm not so sure. I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in a stolen ship, even with Y/N on board, there's no way the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. They might even take me back to my father.

Blake: So...

Weiss: Winter! Put some distance between us and the fleet.

Grandma: You don't have to tell me twice.

You watch Weiss pull her scroll out and move to the rear of the ship.

Y/N: Weiss, I'm not sure what you'll be able to get from her. Ironwood has been keeping her on a tight leash for a while now. Besides, she was always fiercely loyal to Atlas.

Grandma directs the ship towards Mantle as we continue on our way.

As we move through the skyscrapers of Mantle, you can't help but notice all of the bad parts of it. It's like whatever good there was has been covered up in the shadow of Atlas above them.

Y/N: You know, in the entire time I've been in Atlas, I never went down here. 

Broadcast:...cannot express our appreciation enough. Many describe these as uncertain times, and while that may be the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain. The kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and it will remain safe. That is my promise.

You watch the large holographic screen of Ironwood as the ship flies by.

Yang: General Ironwood. He looks...

Ruby: Tired.

Qrow: James, what have you been doing?

Y/N: Trying to hold on to what he has, trying to make enemies he can't afford to have, trying to make sure his people remain loyal. Take your pick.

Weiss: This isn't right. None of this is right.

COMM: Manta 5-1, we've noticed a detour in your route. You are to make your way to docking bay Omega-12 immediately, do you copy? Over

Grandma: We're kind of running out of time here, kids.

Yang: We need to ditch the ship.

Qrow: Agreed. Get lost in Mantle and buy ourselves some time.

Weiss: I'm telling you, my sister can take us to Ironwood.

Blake: Uh, Weiss?

You look out the window that Blake is by as Weiss walks up as well. You see another holographic screen, but this time Winter is on it.

Broadcast: A reminder. Failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. If your sector is under lockdown...

Weiss: Winter?

Qrow: No offense Weiss, I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore.

Weiss: There's obviously something very wrong. If we can just talk to her, then we-

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