!!A/N for all readers at any point in the story!!

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Hello anyone who decides to look at this. I just want to let you all know that I will start publishing the chapters for the revamped version of this book, starting on the eighth of November. So that is 11/08/21. I didn't really feel like working on anything for a good while there, so I have not gotten very far into it. I currently have three chapters in the new book, which take up the first five from this one, and the bio page has been added onto the first chapter of the new book. So please, if you feel like reading a book that is better in my opinion than this one is, especially in the early chapters, then just check in at some point in the P.M. USA Eastern Standard time, and the first chapter will be there. I hope to see some of you there, and if you choose to read it, then feel free to give any feedback on it.

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