Chapter 8

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Quick note. I took a small break to start writing a second story that I had an idea for. I planned on coming back after writing a chapter or two for it but other things in life took over and thus it is only now that I am getting back.

And just a word of warning. This will be a long one. Its an attempt to make up for the lack of consistent posts but it should return to fairly normal posting after this.


I saw the movement coming from my left and whatever this thing is took over again. Dark smoke lifted from my body and something forced me to duck as a foot came rushing towards my head. After that I stood back up face to face with a silver haired guy that just recovered from the kick not making connection.

???: Stop, we know for certain that this is who we want now.

Silver haired guy smirks and walks back in the direction he came from.

The person standing in front of the window signals for the lights to turn on. Standing in front of you is a woman in a red dress with long back hair. She turns to face you and you recognize the same woman that you noticed in the cafeteria when you first met Ruby.

???: My name is Cinder. I must say, I don't know a whole lot about you. But that display in the training room, that has made me quite interested. 

Y/N: Out of all the times that people have asked me about that, I am sorry to say but this was the least agreeable. First you send someone to stalk...

Neo gently hits your arm.

Y/ follow me. Then you have her bring me here with no explanation other than her boss wants to meet. Then you have silver boy over here try to knock me out. And you expect me to just spill the beans to you?

Cinder: Of course not, but if you know what's good for you, then you'll tell me everything. After that I will decide what to do with you.

Y/N: Now here is the problem with your whole plan. Whatever this is, I don't know how to control it very well. It tends to happen on its own, and it takes over. I don't have much say in what happens while it takes over. So if you decide to do anything that I or it views as a threat, then it activates on its own, and I don't attempt to restrain myself with what little control that I can muster. Still think you have all the sway in this conversation?

Cinder just stands there and the confident expression she had quickly fades.

Y/N: Thought so. If you want me to tell you anything than you need to try something other than attempting to knock me out and threatening me. So if you don't mind, I will be leaving.

As you turn to walk out, the green haired girl steps in front of you, blocking the door.

Cinder: Let him go.

???: But Cinder! He knows our faces! He can tell Ozpin about us!

Cinder: Y/N here knows nothing about us other than one tried to knock him out, another threatened to hurt him for information, and another stalked him.

Neo directs an angry scowl at Cinder, which you notice and smile a bit to yourself.

???: Cinder! You seriously cant be considering letting him go!

Cinder: I am not considering letting him go. I am letting him go. Now move aside.

The green haired girl reluctantly steps aside and you open the door to walk out.

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