Chapter 15

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It was 8:30 when you finally left your dorm again. So far no word from RWBY or Ozpin. So far, nine o'clock was still open. Open for what? You don't really know other than you need to meet the test pilot in the Fair Lady's hangar. You finally get to the hangars and make your way to where the Fair Lady is parked. All of the lights are off except for a single one right beside the plane. Approaching you see the test pilot relaxing in a chair beside a tool cart with another chair beside it.

Y/N: Well this is certainly a change of pace.

???: I would assume so. Given how those friends of yours acted I would think so.

Y/N: So I will just go ahead and start whatever this is with asking for your name, you did say you would share it once I proved myself.

???: I did, and I will in time. First, sit. We have got some things to talk about.

You nod and take a seat in the empty chair.

???: Hungry? Thirsty?

Y/N: I could do with something.

You see her lean forward and opens the top plate on the cart. Reaching in, she pulls out a small loaf of bread, block of cheese, and a bottle of some kind of liquid. Closing the top of the cart again, she sets the items down on top of it. She breaks the bread in two, takes a knife out and cuts two slices off the block, and hands them to you. You start to eat them piece by piece throughout the conversation.

Y/N: Well this is certainly, odd. May I ask what the occasion is?

???: That remains to be withheld. Now, what made you want to fly in the first place?

Y/N: Uh, that's a bit private.

???: Don't worry. I already know about your unique situation.

Y/N: Who the hell are you?

???: Answer the question Mr. L/N.

Y/N: Well, if I am being honest. I became a pilot because at the time, there werent any threats in the sky. So I figured I would join the air force and be a pilot. That way I wouldn't get drafted or something into the infantry. Sadly, two weeks or so before I graduated from pilots school, the first flying threats appeared. I was too deep to back out so I just had to man up and deal with the bad hand I was dealt.

???: Did your views on this ever change?

Y/N: Well, after a while of actually flying, I started to appreciate the silence that flying provided. The brief moments of calm in the raging storm of war that seemed to happen everywhere else in the world. Thankfully, due to the age of the plane I was issued, I never went into heavy combat, but that doesn't mean I didn't have some close calls. Multiple dogfights with demons, even a couple human pilots who were part of splinter factions who didn't want to join the rest like everyone else. I never liked fighting the aerial demons, but I at least new I could when against them. .50 cal has a way of putting down even things that shouldn't exist, but a human. Fighting a human is totally different. More often than not it came down to skill and figuring out what your opponent was going to do before they did it. Demons you can predict, they never tried to outsmart you. But humans, *sigh*, I've only ever killed six other pilots. But I see each of them in my head when I start to get too calm. Their faces as I pass by their burning plane. The crash itself. The explosion that quickly follows, solidifying their death into the deepest parts of a young adult who just dropped out of college. The other pilots, they all told me you would get used to it. But I guess I will just have to wait and see won't I? Flying became an escape. An escape from the constant stream of bad news on the radio, an escape from being assigned another solo hit and run mission, an escape from everything. In a way I guess I still look at it that way now. But now, now I have more friends who are enthusiastic to fly, one's who don't worry about what comes tomorrow. 

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