Chapter 42

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You and the others immediately went back to the building and Yang get's the bike up and running. Yang, Ren, and Jaune all climb on it while you teleport along side as the group follows the Grimm river. At some point, Jaune pulls his scroll out and starts trying to call for anyone to respond. To let them know about the Grimm river. Thankfully, or not so thankfully, someone does show up. A ship lands in front of you and the door opens. Revealing the people you didn't want to see. Or at least, a few people you don't want to see. Winter and Harriet jump down to the ground.

Yang: Great, you guys.

Jaune: Did you hear our message. It's right there, we need to hurry!

Harriet: Where's Penny?!

Jaune: Are you serious right now? There are people in danger!

Harriet: There are people in danger because you kids are acting selfish and-

A loud boom can be heard and the ground shakes with it. Out of nowhere, a giant spout of the same liquid as what's in the river, shoots up and impacts the force field beneath Atlas. Eventually it breaks through and a large black mass clings to the side of the rock. A short bit later, two of the towers that create the shield, fall down to the ground below, breaking the shield entirely. The giant Grimm in the dark cloud quickly makes it's way to the now defenseless Atlas and crashes itself into where the farm land is. 

Y/N: Alright. I don't know who you think you are speedy but I don't think Penny is your concern right now. Your concern is whether you are going to work with us, getting us all up to Atlas, or are you going to turn this into a brawl. And I would rather not fight anyone other than a particular few right now. So, what's it going to be?

Harriet: And why should I even be talking to you, traitor?

Y/N: Alright, seriously, fuck off with the traitor bullshit. Unless you have got some definitive proof that I did anything wrong in the back pocket those skin tight shorts, you have got shit to say to me. Besides, I would need to be part of your damned country for me to be a traitor, now wouldn't I? And last I checked, Ironwood isn't exactly wanting me to stick around unless it's behind bars, so fuck you, fuck that, and fuck that traitor bullshit.

Winter: Y/N, please. Just come quietly and we can sort this out.

Y/N: Yeah, that's what lucky charms wanted and look where that got him. No thank you.

Harriet's face contorts in anger and she immediately charges you with her fists recoiled and ready to hit you. Waiting for the last possible moment, you teleport a little to the side and bring your right arm up where you where standing. She doesn't manage to stop in time and clotheslines herself on your arm, knocking her feet out from under her and making her land on her back. You look down at her before reaching down and grabbing the red neckerchief around her neck. You pull up a bit and sling her back across the snow towards the ship. 

Y/N: Now, are we going to have any more interruptions, or are we going to figure out how we are going to get up there and get this shit over with?

Winter: I'm sorry but you all are not coming on this ship without handcuffs on. 

Y/N: I'm sorry, but that is fucking stupid and you of all people should know it. Those cuffs won't hold me. And once I'm out, there isn't a damn thing you could do to stop me from leaving. 

Winter: So then why are you even negotiating for your transport? You don't need to stick around with them, you could teleport yourself up there right now. 

Y/N: It's called being a half-decent friend. I'm trying to better myself as a person thank you very much.

Winter: *sigh* This is no time for jokes. Look. This is how this is going to happen. You three are going to get handcuffs put on and you are going to get on that ship. Y/N, I've got a job to do and if you have any amount of trust in me then you will do the same and at least pretend like you can't get out of the cuffs. Alright?

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