Chapter 7

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True to his word, Ozpin called you in the morning. He has allowed you to stay within Beacon but you will not be allowed to engage in any form of combat, even sparring matches, till more information can be found out about your circumstance. Thankfully, or unfortunately depending on how you want to look at it, almost all of the students avoided you for the next week aside from team RWBY and JNPR. They tried to get you to open up about what you learned but you just told them anytime it came up to either drop it or to just let you think about it more. It has reached the day prior to the school dance and everyone is frantically trying to get last minute dates, dresses, and suits. All except you, that is.

Its Friday night, and here you are, sitting in your room. Doing nothing. This is practically what you have been doing every night since seeing that video. 

*Knock Knock Knock*

Pyrhha: *muffled through the door* Y/N? The rest of the team and I are going to go down to town to get a couple of last minute things for the dance if you would like to come.

You get up and walk over to open the door. You open it and see Pyrhha standing there with a black hoodie and blue jeans on.

Y/N: Any reason for the sudden change in color preference?

Pyrhha: Oh! I really didn't think you would open the door. But its so that it makes it harder for anyone to recognize me while we are out. Blake let me borrow the hoodie thankfully.

Y/N: Well that's smart, but I will have to pass. I'm not going to the dance.

You begin to turn around and close the door when Pyrhha reaches out and grabs your arm.

Pyrhha: Can you please just talk to us? You barely say anything more than answering simple questions and you come back here right after class. I haven't even seen you eat anything for dinner in the last two days!

Y/N: I know. I haven't exactly been at my height for the past few days. I just, I just need to work this out in my head before I try anything else.

Pyrhha: You have been "working it out in your head" for the past week. When are you going to start working it out in the real world? You have eight people around you who would love nothing more than to help you but you have to actually open up first.

You just stand there with your head down.

Pyrhha: If you decide you want to stop moping around and want to get out of this self imposed isolation from your friends, then meet me and the others at the bullhead landing platform in thirty minutes.

She turns and walks off back down the hall. Visibly frustrated at you.

You turn to walk back in your room and close your door. Taking your place in your seat before sighing heavily and getting up and heading to your closet.


*twenty-eight minutes later*

Pyrhha is standing at the landing pad, facing towards the school.

Jaune: You know he may not even come at this point. I mean, don't get me wrong, it would be nice to see him somewhere other than class and walking off to his room but still.

Nora: I could just go down there and grab him. I highly doubt that he could actually get away from me.

Pyrhha: If I wanted that then I would've done it myself while I was there. No, this needs to be something that Y/N wants to do.

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