Chapter 36

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This is where I am going to throw the time skip. I thought that where I left off was a good point to skip from. There will be a summary as to what happened during the time between you getting back to Atlas and then RWBY and JNR making it to Argus. I didn't want to just immediately jump into it and possibly make it a bit confusing between chapters.

Quite a bit of time has passed since you made it back to Atlas. After quite a bit of explaining from both you and Ironwood, you finally got a clear picture of Ozpin's side of the conflict, Ironwoods position on it, and Ironwood learned about the extent of your capabilities and what you had gone through while you were in Salem's castle. In this time, you and Winter have only grown closer. Once again moving in together while you use your room as an office space due to Ironwoods new duties he gave you. He decided that you needed to be trained more sufficiently in how Specialists work, so he assigned Winter to be your trainer. You and Ironwood have started to not quite see eye to eye on how things are done. This has resulted in Ironwood grounding you unless the flight is directly related to Atlas matters. Flora and the development team worked together in getting the last of the aircraft tested. Settling on keeping two of the fighter variants, the first type she flew, and another that is designed for hit and run jobs like what you did in the air force back on Earth. They kept two of the stealth aircraft, which sadly you never got to fly either of them due to Ironwoods attempt at an increased hold on you. One of the cargo jets was kept as it was simply better at everything than the other. And finally the heavy gunship, which you have thankfully still secured as your plane to test. You are currently on your way to test the aircraft out. Being the last experimental plane in the east hangars, they are anxious to get it out and tested so the east hangars can be used again. As you are walking, a newly appointed Lieutenant runs up to you before saluting you. You recognize the short soldier as Lt. Varis, your unofficial assistant now that you have become a Captain among the Specialists. 


I realized that there is no clear ranking in Atlas so I am going to give my own take on it so you may be able to understand the pecking order.

Base Army:

Lowest - highest.

Private. Lieutenant. Captain. Major. General.

Specialist: Specialists officially start in command as an equivalent to Majors, but never move to the same power as a General. They follow the same "tier" system in the specialist ranks but they don't start getting called by their ranking till they reach either Captain or Major. In this case, you are one of the few Specialists with the Captain rank, and Winter is the only one with the Major rank. The primary reason being that she works so closely with General Ironwood, who oversees everything. Soldiers will sometimes be assigned to a Specialist while on base to act as their handler between General Ironwood and the specialist, so that neither person has to divert their attention for long.

I hope this makes it a bit easier to understand how I am working the rank systems in this.

Lt. Varis: Sir! The General has requested your presence after you complete the test flight of the experimental aircraft.

Y/N: Thank you Lt. Varis. Care to see it for your own eyes?

Lt. Varis: I am sorry sir but I have other duties to attend to. Have a good flight sir!

She begins to run off but you stop her just as she goes to pass you.

Y/N: Congratulations on the promotion. One step closer to Recon. Just keep that goal and you'll get there in no time.

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