Character update

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At this point you are 26, I didn't decide on a birthday but considering all of the other characters aged up before Ruby left home, I figured it would make sense for you to also age up. As for what you look like, well, shits happened is the best way to put it. You've bulked up quite a bit from how you were at the beginning of the story, not really strongman or bodybuilder bulk but more like a more muscular athlete. I'll let you guys decide in that respect but you aren't slim anymore is what I am basically trying to say. Aside from that, the right side of your body still has the black scarring from where the Grimm tried to help you survive being in such close proximity to Ruby when she used her eyes. You have multiple hundreds of cuts and slashes all across your body from where Watts tortured you and when you fought the Grimm in the arena for an unspecified amount of time. You have a singular deep scar that goes across the bottom of your back where Tyrian slashed you with his tale, resulting in the need of the spinal implant so you could still have control over your legs. Your robotic right arm is similar to Ironwoods in that it was surgically attached and cannot be removed. Your left leg however can be removed or upgraded, but the one you have is still the same type as what Mercury has just with a few extra metal plates and upgraded parts. The spinal implant is basically a frame that wraps around your spine from the base of the neck to the top of the pelvis. It has off shoots that connect to your shoulders and a multitude of different pieces of technology that help maintain signals being sent from the brain down to your legs. As for the eye, that is essentially just like a normal eye but it has a function built in to give you a low grade night vision. However, seeing as only one of your eyes can do that, you have to close your normal eye or it would get stupid trippy and probably not feel good to have two different pictures trying to communicate with your brain.

As for the reason to why your first encounter with Ruby's silver eyes resulted in such a high amount of damage to your body and the second time with the leviathan only sent you into shock, (I guess that would be the best way to describe it), is simply your proximity to it. You were near where Cinder killed Pyrrha and Ruby had just gotten on top of the tower and did her whole screaming and eye blasting. So, within fifty feet or so? However with the whole Leviathan event, you were coming at its back and flying over it while Ruby was at its front and stationary. So by the time the blast would have reached you, you were already flying at a very fast speed and that just resulted in you going into shock in a sense. You did still feel the pain and burning feeling but you didn't get any new scars from it is what I'm trying to say.

At this point, the Grimm inside your head has completely merged with you. That's what the whole scene was in the log cabin in your mind. That whole thing was basically him saying goodbye and finally leaving behind what left he had in him for you to make use of. I never gave a name to the Grimm as I couldn't ever think of one that would suit him. So I just chose to refer to him as "him" or "the friend in your head" that sort of thing. If anything I think giving a name to a Grimm like that would almost take away from the character than build anything onto it. 

Your teleportation is near limitless, being able to just think of a location and appearing there. If you've been there multiple times then it is effortless, but if it's someplace that you have only seen from a distance or not actually laid foot on, then it can be a bit more taxing. The only real thing you have to worry about is using it multiple times in quick succession, like in a fight for example. Let's say that you are fighting ten people that are all spread out. You teleport to each of them, taking them out one by one. By the end of it you are going to be tired. That's just the plain simplicity of it. The more you use the teleportation without giving yourself time to rest, the quicker you will get tired, which will like normal, hamper your abilities further. Thankfully you do have an insane amount of strength, a shit ton of reflex timing, and an ungodly amount of stamina if you choose not to use your teleportation. Basically what I am saying is that while your teleportation is extremely valuable, it does come at a cost. The same is said for your other abilities like the strength, speed, stamina, all of that fun stuff. You have a very weak aura, one that can barely withstand much punishment before it breaks. That's why in the beginning, the Grimm had to help protect you by projecting himself as a sort of aura like force. However, since Grimm don't have an aura, the more and more you merged with him, the less he was able to help in that regard. So, that is why it is so easy for you to get scarred, hurt, or flat out loose a limb. Ruby could get hit by a Ursa and get slammed against a tree, yeah her aura would flare up from it but she could get up and keep going. You however would break ribs and be very sore from it if your aura didn't take the initial damage from it. 

In case it isn't clear at this point, Glynda is the primary love interest in the story. I probably could have done a better job at making it seem a bit more real than just going on a few dates and then guess what, yall like each other now but eh, hind sight is 20/20. 

The last thing I can think of putting in this little update is probably just a quick tidbit on my plan for the story going forward. I will still be following the main story as laid out in the show, so I won't be deviating from that. However it's what comes after the end of Volume 8 that I'm not too sure about. I could either leave it on a cliff hanger and then pick the story up again after 9 is released, or I could go ahead and do a best case scenario major time skip to a couple years down the road. I've laid out a couple of different things that can be pursued after everything calms down but that would really only come after the main story is done. So if you guys would like to give some kind of input on that, as to which of those two you'd rather me do, then feel free. Either way I am probably going to go back through the whole story after I finish with Volume 8 and correct anything that needs to be corrected, change anything I wasn't too happy about, or add anything that I feel like needs to be added.

So feel free to leave a comment on which version you'd rather me do for the last chapter once I get caught up with the main story. I'll know if this chapter gets a comment on it so even though there aren't many of you at this point, maybe more will come later. So this will remain as the chapter for your input on what happens later.

1-cliff hanger and pick back up with Volume 9

2-cliff hanger and multiple year time skip to a best case scenario future

3-leave your own suggestion

Also if you have any questions about anything that I missed in this then feel free to ask.

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