Chapter 39

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A couple days have passed since you moved into the Schnee Manor. Thankfully, none but Willow and the few servants still working know you are there, so you have been able to make use of the manors facilities without needing to worry about Jacques or Whitley. Willow also showed you where her own master computer is at so that you can see what is going on in Atlas and Mantle without Jacques knowing about it. You've mostly been keeping tabs on Ruby and the others, watching to see what they do and then also on Ironwood and Winter to see what they are doing. One person has peaked your interest, a certain political opponent in Mantle that is seeking to gain a seat on the council. One Robyn Hill. You started using the computers access abilities and found out how to locate her. She and her team, the Happy Huntresses, tend to go back to a couple of different locations, the most common being a small warehouse that is unused by anyone else. Your search for her has also lead to some apparent hate from her towards Atlas and Ironwood specifically. It makes sense, Robyn is for Mantle while Ironwood says he is for both Atlas and Mantle but obviously favors Atlas. You decide to go and have a chat with Robyn so you can go ahead and get back out there. Looking through some of the clothing Willow had given you so that you could have something more to wear, you found a dark, rough wool overcoat with a hood, that has soft white wool on the inside. Throwing it on, you also grab a dark red scarf and you wrap it around your neck so you can easily pull it up to cover your face. You are a wanted man after all, can't go walking around in an Atlas controlled kingdom letting your face be open for all to see. Quickly sending a message to Willow to let her know you are going out, you teleport to an alley way near where Pietro's shop was. You pull the scarf up over your mouth and the hood over your head, looking down to try and look like you're just really cold. You then step out and start walking in the direction of the warehouse, using your scroll for it's map. Nobody really bothers you, a couple accidentally step into your path a few times but nothing serious. Eventually, you make it to the building and you look in through a window to see a mostly barren interior except for a second floor room that overlooks the rest of the bottom floor near the back of the building. Teleporting in, you stop for a moment to listen for any noises, hearing none you walk up the stairs to the room and you try the door. Feeling that it's locked, you apply a bit of pressure and you break the door jam holding the lock in place, being careful to not damage the outward side of the door so it didn't look like it had been broken. Stepping in, you see four beds at the far wall, all empty. A couple of desks with a whole lot of papers on them, and a large central table with a map of Mantle on it. You walk over to a couch set beside the wall with the door in it and you sit down with your back to the corner of the room. A couple hours pass and you finally hear the doors to the warehouse open and shut again. You sit up and watch for the door to open. You hear multiple steps and finally a few voices as they come up the stairs.

???: I suppose none of you have found out what is happening with the arena?

???: No. Ironwood is as tight lipped as ever with anything they do.

???: Maybe he will trust you a bit more after the election? Maybe he will try and work with you so that Mantle and Atlas don't oppose each other as much anymore?

???: That would be great, but somehow I doubt he would do that willingly.

The door opens and the four individuals known as the Happy Huntresses walk in, immediately going to the center table or one of the desks. Your eyes immediately go over each of them, remembering their names from the document detailing their time in Atlas Academy. Robyn Hill, the leader of the team, both in the academy and currently as a vigilante group of sorts. Fiona Thyme, sheep Faunus and skilled combatant like the rest of her team, and is fiercely loyal to Robyn, almost to the point of ignoring harm done to herself in order to keep helping her leader. Joanna Greenleaf, calm most of the time but dangerous nonetheless. And finally May Marigold, possibly the hardest one to sway to start working with, but is also more than capable of seeing advantages in situations where mutual benefit can be gained. As the four are looking over papers and showing certain ones to each other, you decide to make your presence known.

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