Chapter 16

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Approaching the target location, you come out of your relaxation. 

Y/N: AIFA, get ABRN's leader on the call.

AIFA: Connecting.

Arslan: Hello?

Y/N: Hello, this is Y/N L/N, I am here for your requested air support.

Arslan: Took you long enough, where are you?

Y/N: Just a short ways off, probably 15 minutes if I continue at my current pace. I wanted to give you time before the light show begins.

Arslan: Light show? Just what kind of bullhead are you in?

Y/N: Oh this isn't a bullhead. Get your team up and hold your position. That way I can drive the Grimm away at least. I don't have enough ammunition on here to kill them all, but I can at least drive them off of your position.

Arslan: Just who are you?

Y/N: I'm a special circumstance, that's all you really need to know. 

*ends call*

Y/N: Ready AIFA?

AIFA: As always.

Y/N: Good. 

Once you are just outside of engagement distance you pull up and increase throttle till you reach 40k, and then you angle back down, to gain as much speed as you can. 170, 200, 250, 340, 470. Once you get within weapon range you open up the six guns in your wings upon where the Grimm are supposed to be located. The night sky is lit up by the rapid firing of the guns, as the traces of dust rounds soar out ahead of you, impacting the ground, where you can see the black shapes of the Grimm, immediately turning to smoke. You pull out of the dive and rise up again, gaining height until you finally turn back around and go in for a second pass. For the next five minutes, you keep making passes, driving the Grimm force away. 

*beeeep, beep beep, beeeep, beep beep*

AIFA: Arslan is calling.

Y/N: Yes Arslan?

Arslan: What is that thing!?

Y/N: That, is my plane. Are you good or do you want them driven farther away.

Arslan: There are a couple of straggling groups that didn't move with the main force. If you could get them out of the way then we shouldn't have any surprises.

Y/N: Sure thing, do you know their position relative to you?

AIFA: No need, I already have the positions located.

Y/N: Oh, well never mind then. Give me a bit more time to get them out of your hair.

*ends call*

You angle towards the closest group and open fire upon them. Decimating what few there are. Angling towards the next, it takes you a minute to get close enough and once again, you deal with the threat. Turning to the next, you have to gain some height as they are close to a mountain and you want to be able to fire down on them. Getting your desired height, you come in for a final attack and open fire, sadly a few escaped from what you could tell from the light of the dust rounds impacting. 

Y/N: AIFA, call Arslan back up.

Arslan: Yes?

Y/N: You're all clear. Unless there is anything else, I am going to start heading back. 

Arslan: Are you capable of landing? We would like to give our thanks in person, and it will be every bit of a couple more days before we get back to Beacon.

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