Chapter 6

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There is a moment of pause as Cardin goes down to the ground while staring back at you. Professor Goodwitch finally composes herself and sounds the horn off, signifying the end of the match.

P. Goodwitch: That is the end of the match. Everyone is dismissed, Mr. L/N stay after class for a moment. I need to speak with you.

The class begins to file out, murmurs running across hushed voices and glances being taken at you. Cardin gets up and looks back at you with anger in his eyes before walking off the platform. Once everyone was out, Professor Goodwitch came out of her office and walked up on the platform to stand in front of you.

P. Goodwitch: What was that Y/N!?

Y/N: What are you talking about?

P. Goodwitch: I thought you told us that you didn't know anything about this world, yet here you are, seemingly teleporting across the field, not to mention the fact that Cardin clearly hit you but you seem perfectly fine! Its though you have a semblance and either didn't tell us or you just magically got one right here in the arena! You don't even have an aura! Explain this right now!

You stand there thinking for a moment and realize that what she is saying is making sense. You don't feel any pain from the impact of his mace, yet you slid across the ground as though you were hit by it normally. The teleportation thing makes sense because how else would you have appeared behind Cardin. 

Y/N: To be perfectly honest, I don't know what to tell you. All I know is that one moment, adrenaline is pumping, dodging attacks left and right. Which by the way, I didn't even realize that I could do that. Next I am sliding across the floor and Cardin walks over me getting ready to bash my head in. Then I am behind him, black smoke rising out of me, and I take my chance and take him out first. I am telling you that this is the first time that any of this has happened. I was sure I was gonna lose when Cardin prepared that first attack, but then my body just moved on its own and I went along with it, not thinking too much about it.

P. Goodwitch: *sigh* What are you doing after dinner? We need to tell Ozpin about this and by that point I will have gotten the camera footage to review while we are in there.

Y/N: Professor Oobleck asked me to help him move some boxes to help him prepare for the next semester.

P. Goodwitch: Of course he did, I'll talk to him and see if I can get some other student to help him instead. Meet me at the elevator to Ozpins office when you finish eating.

Goodwitch then walks back into her office and closes the door, leaving you standing there on the platform. You walk back into the locker room and change back into your school uniform, then you begin walking to the cafeteria to get dinner. 

Pyrhha: Hey Y/N. Would you mind weighing in on what that was back there?

Y/N: I'm sorry but you know just as much as I do. I am going to be heading to Ozpins office, after dinner, with Professor Goodwitch to review the camera footage. 

Pyrhha: Ah, well congratulations on defeating Cardin. Not many can say that here. Those dodges were especially good, and you countered so well in that first attack.

Y/N: As much as I would like to say thank you, that wasn't really me either I don't think. My body just sorta started moving on autopilot as though it new what to do. I am telling you honestly that I have never done anything like that before in my life.

Pyrhha: Huh. Well I hope you get some answers. I am going back to my dorm to eat with my team, apparently Jaune wanted to talk about something.

Y/N: Alright, I'll see you tomorrow.

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