Chapter 35

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The night passed with you only waking up a couple times in a heavy sweat but thankfully no dreams. After having breakfast with everyone, Kali gives you instructions as to where you can find Edelweiss' restaurant. You hang around for a while, reading a random book to pass the time, before heading out around noon to go to see the sisters. As you walk through the town, many of the Faunus start to actually greet you, seemingly getting more used to your presence. Getting to the area around where Kali said their restaurant was at, you see a large crowd in front of a two-story building. Walking up you see, and hear, that they are cheering for something. Walking through the crowd you eventually see a table in the middle of them with two people sitting down at it, and four empty bottles on the table as they sit there and keep taking shots after each other. You don't recognize either of them so you head into the building where the bottom floor has the front wall taken out with a bar and kitchen on the back wall. You do recognize the person behind the counter as she is busy cleaning up the bar top. Walking in you take a seat at the bar.

Y/N: Bar still open?

The woman looks up and you see Edelweiss' face for the first time in nearly four months. She looks about the same as she did but she's ditched the button up shirt and slacks for a tank top and shorts. She still has the vest which does clash a bit with the rest of it but hey, its what she wants to wear. She has let her hair go even a bit further below her waist and she is just a bit tanner than she was when you last saw her.

Edelweiss: Y/N? Y/N! It is you! Where have you been!?

She puts down the cleaning rag and jumps over the bar, running to you she brings you into a tight hug just as you are standing up.

Y/N: That's all a pretty long story. Much like a lot of mine now that I think about it. Where's Annabel?

She pouts at you after letting go from the hug.

Edelweiss: Am I not enough for you?

You both stare at each other before she starts laughing and you laugh with her.

Edelweiss: She's up stairs finishing up a couple things. She'll be down in a few. Hang around, have a drink.

She walks around to the actual entrance to the bar and continues where she was cleaning at. 

Y/N: How has business been?

Edelweiss: Pretty good. People like those two over there (she nods to the crowd around the two at the table) tend to bring in large bursts of money but its after those competitions that the money really comes in. People come in, wanting a drink and something to eat and well. I'm right here so it works out good for me huh?

Y/N: Yeah, that does seem like a rather efficient method.

Edelweiss: I'm not making as much as I did back in Vale but it's more entertaining here. And most importantly, Annabel is happier.

Y/N: That is a good thing indeed. You want any help for the day? I don't really have anything to do while I'm recovering from some things.

Edelweiss: I'm going to go out on a limb and say it has something to do with those scars?

Y/N: Correct.

Edelweiss: Got it. Well sure, I'm sure you can handle making sandwiches and pouring soup right?

Y/N: Correct again. Three correct answers in a row and I'll give you a kiss.

Edelweiss: Oh we're handing out rewards now? Then I bet you missed me more than Annabel.

Y/N: I am going to confirm nor deny that.

Edelweiss: Oh come on! You can't do that.

Y/N: I can and I did.

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