Chapter 4

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You and Professor Goodwitch made your way around the academy, meeting different teachers, staff members, and making an attempt at getting you used to your new surroundings. You finally end your tour in the cafeteria just as students are letting out of class.

*Noise from students talking and walking to and from classes*

P. Goodwitch: And finally here is the cafeteria, this is where most of your school supplied food will be provided, aside from a store here on campus which is where you will get anything you need for your room in case you want to cook something there. I will leave you here as I have some work to take care of in my office. I will see you starting at the beginning of the week. Have a good rest of your day.

Y/N: Thank you Professor. You have a good day as well.

You watch Goodwitch walk away into the sea of students before feeling yourself being watched. You already recognized that some of the students gave you glances or even stared because, well there's a new person they haven't seen before in an interesting get up. This was different though, it felt like someone was staring holes into the back of your head. You look around before landing your eyes onto a woman with pure black hair coming down onto one side of her face. She smiled slightly before walking away with some people you assumed to be her team.

???: Hello mister.

You look down at where the voice was coming from and notice a short girl with black hair and red tips looking up at you.

Y/N: Hello? Who might you be?

???: I am the one who saved you of course! 

???: Ruby! Remember to introduce yourself before getting too overly excited. Hello, my name is Blake, her teammate. 

You look at the slightly taller girl with black hair and a black bow.

Y/N: Nice to meet you Blake, I like the bow. And I take it that your Ruby? 

You look back at the short girl.

Ruby: Yep that's me. How are you doing since we got you out of your, thing?

Y/N: Aircraft, and I am doing fine as of right now. A little, different to say the least from when I got here but I am still alive and that's what matters.

Blake: Different? What do you mean?

Y/N: Sadly my left leg had to be amputated due to severe injuries from the crash. However, General Ironwood was gracious enough to give me a prosthetic leg in exchange for agreeing to work with Ozpin.

Ruby: Well that's good at least. Would you like to come and eat with us?

Y/N: As much as I would love to, I don't exactly have any money as of right now. 

Blake: Don't worry, we can cover for you for today. 

She drops some money into your hand, and you look at it questioningly.

In your head: This is, different, I will have to make sure to repay her later.

Y/N: Thank you very much, you guys will have to recommend something as I dont recognize much of what I am seeing here on the other students plates. 

Ruby: What do you mean? This is all fairly normal food, did you not eat normal food at wherever you came from?

Y/N: No not really. It was mostly just different types of stews and soups because that was the easiest thing to make for large amounts of people. Occasionally I would get some luck on my side and manage to afford a meal of (Favorite Food). But that was a very rare occurrence. The air force never really paid enough to make that happen regularly.

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