Chapter 21

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So towards the last part of this, it gets a bit. Dark. So I am sorry if it doesn't sit well with anyone. I felt like adding a bit of conflict to an otherwise calm day. There is no easy way to just skip over it and still have the same effect going forward with a few of the relationships. But I will put in a warning just before we get there so if you don't want to read it, then you don't have to.

You fold out the wings and start the plane up. Vertically taking off, you slowly head off to Beacon. Finally making it to the hangar, you park the plane by it so the hangar techs don't have to go very far to bring it in. Walking into the school, you notice that there are not very many students actually in the school. Walking around you finally find Glynda.

Y/N: Hello Professor. Where is everyone at?

P. Goodwitch: Most are enjoying their weekend of peace before the tournaments begin tomorrow. Some are spending their time training. Where have you been all day?

Y/N: At work. Got some blood on my shirt that thankfully has come out in the wash there. My boss was nice enough to let me stay there over night.

P. Goodwitch: Well that was certainly kind of them. Where are you working?

Y/N: A sandwich shop that opened a short while ago by the harbor.

P. Goodwitch: Well I hope it works out for you. Are we still good for tonight? I understand if you would like to prepare for the tournament.

Y/N: No, we agreed to do this and I am not going to ditch out on that.

P. Goodwitch: Well lets go for seven, does that work for you?

Y/N: That will be just fine. We can take my plane this time, I know you just love to ride in it.

P. Goodwitch: Well I have things to take care of. I will see you tonight Mr. L/N.

Y/N: Till we meet again Professor.

Glynda walks off, further into the school. She stops for a moment and turns back to you.

P. Goodwitch: Team RWBY is in the gym sparring to prepare for the tournament. If I were you, I would spar with Miss Schnee if I wanted to learn to use that saber more effectively.

You nod to her and turn to walk to your room. You quickly change into your flight suit and head to the weapons lockers. Grabbing your revolver and its holster, you attach it to your waist on your right side. Grabbing the saber and its scabbard, you attach it to your belt on your left side and walk to the gym. Pulling your scroll out, you text Ruby and tell her that you are coming to spar if they are up for it.


Ruby: Yeah, sure. We are mostly just going one on one so you can pop in and join the mix.

Y/N: Thanks. Ozpin gave me a present so I need to learn to use it at least somewhat functionally.

Ruby: What is it!? You have to show me when you get here! Oh, go to fight Weiss. Talk to you when you get here.

Putting your scroll back in your pocket, you complete the walk to the gym. Opening the door, you walk in and stop behind Blake and Yang who are watching the fight. 

Yang: Come on Ruby! Finish it!

Blake: You are seriously rooting for your sister to win against your own teammate.

Yang: Well yeah. She is my sister. Knock her off the platform Ruby!

In one swift attack, Ruby manages to get around Weiss and hook her in the scythe, propelling herself forward, Ruby stops just short of the edge and launches Weiss off the platform.

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