Chapter 12

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You make it to the front of the school and see Glynda walking towards the landing pads. As you are walking up, you look at what she is wearing. She has on a nicer pair of heels that bring her to the same height she is normally at, and a black sleeveless dress that ends around mid thigh like her normal skirt does. She hears you walking up and turns to meet you.

P. Goodwitch: Hello Mr. L/N. I take it the transport has been arranged?

Y/N: Of course. I told you I would get us a private transport didn't I?

P. Goodwitch: I know, I'm just not quite used to this to be perfectly honest.

Y/N: Well then this will be a nice change of pace then won't it.

P. Goodwitch: Yes it will be. Shall we?

You offer her your arm and she loops hers through it. You both begin to walk to the landing pads and you can see off to your left, a bullhead coming in to land from the hangars.

Y/N: Looks like our ride is here. You ready?

P. Goodwitch: More than you could ever know.

The bullhead lands and the co-pilot opens the door, waiting inside for you. You get to the door and help the Professor up as she walks in, giving a nod to the co-pilot and taking her seat. You turn to the co-pilot and hand him the first half of the money for the flight. You give him a nod and take your seat next to the Professor. The co-pilot closes the door and walks back into the cockpit. He sits down and the two pilots begin to take off. The flight goes smoothly and they land the bullhead outside of the restaurant, being careful to land in the adjacent vacant lot. The same co-pilot gets up and opens the door, hops down and turns to offer a hand to the Professor who has now gotten up and made her way to the door. She takes it as she gets down and waits for you to hop down as well. You turn to the co-pilot and give him a hand shake.

Y/N: I'll call you when we're ready alright.

You slip something in his hand just before leaving the hand shake and smile as you walk to take the Professor into the restaurant.

P. Goodwitch: What did you slip him?

Y/N: You saw that huh?

P. Goodwitch: I was a huntress before I became a teacher. We tend to notice these things even after retirement.

Y/N: Well it was just a tip for agreeing to do this. Still not enough to offset what the agreed payment is so they wont have any reason to not come pick us up.

P. Goodwitch: Smart. Though it is their job, you should really only give them a tip after the job has been completed. 

Y/N: That may be true but I may just make some friends who are also pilots by being nicer to them. Well lets head in and get a table. 

You head up to the door and hold it open for her to walk in, closing the door behind you, you see just how nice this place truly is. The interior reminds you of a Victorian era mansion, with modern amenities incorporated. The lighting is kept low to mimic that of candle light, and all the wait staff are wearing black pants, vests, and white shirts. A waitress comes up to you while you are both still taking in the view.

Waitress: Table for two or shall there be more attending?

Standing before you is a young rabbit Faunus with white hair and white ears, pale skin, and red eyes. 

Y/N: Yes, a table for two would be much appreciated.

Waitress: Come this way please.

She turns and grabs two menus from a table off to the side of the entrance and begins to walk off to the right side of the dining room. You and the Professor follow arm in arm, eventually finding yourselves in the corner next to the windows. You pull a chair out for your companion which has her back facing the wall, with the windows to the left, and you seat yourself across from her, facing the windows.

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