Chapter 30

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The flight took much longer than you thought it would have. Atlas and Vale are by no means close to each other but you had thought you would be able to get there before dark. You could finally see the lights of the city in the distance through the dark night sky. You kept flying till you get to the city itself and you slow down, finally seeing the remains of Beacon Academy through the light of the moon. You keep at a distance, seeing the giant amounts of Grimm around the school. 

Y/N: AIFA, what happened here?

AIFA: The school has been overrun by the Grimm after it was abandoned during the fight. Glynda Goodwitch has taken over as Headmistress of Beacon Academy, though all of the students are either working with Vale's other combat schools to complete their training, transferred to other academies, or are working with Glynda Goodwitch and other Huntsmen and Huntresses to reclaim Beacon. Their current base of operation is in the Vale City Library.

Y/N: Give me the location of the library.

You notice the holographic display inside the plane change to a map with a blip marking its location. You redirect your flight to head towards it. You make it over the location and see a large square in front of the library that is more than large enough to allow you to land safely.

Y/N: AIFA, vertical landing engage.

The plane slows to a halt and lands in front of the library a short distance from it. You shut the plane down and hop out. Thankfully it seems that everyone inside is either asleep or doesn't care about something landing outside. That is, except for two guards posted outside the front door. You approach with your helmet on, forgetting about taking it off.

Guard: Who's there? The library is closed to the public, you need to leave.

Y/N: Oh I'm not just anyone from the public.

With that you teleport behind him and you walk to the front door. You push on its doors a bit, feeling that they are locked, you push harder near the lock and break it. The two guards try to get you but as soon as you can see into the building through the doors, you teleport inside to the opposite end of the main room and to the top of the stairs. The guards run in, giving chase. You quickly make your way through the halls till you spot a dim light on under a door that has sign over it.


You smile, and knock on the door. You hear someone move things on the other side, and a voice that sounds tired and frustrated answers back. A voice that you haven't forgotten, a voice that you are more than excited and happy to hear again.

Glynda: Who's there? Don't you know what time it is? Well, get in here already and it better be important.

You calmly open the door, pushing it inwards and stepping into the dimly lit room, illuminated only by the desk light on a large wooden desk with the woman you've been looking for sitting behind it. She tenses on your entry, immediately grabbing her riding crop and pointing it at you.

Glynda: Who are you!? You don't look like one of my hunters, state your name and business right now!

You slowly approach, barely registering what she is saying, only focusing on the fact that she is there in front of you. She stands up and stretches her arm out to you so her riding crop can put at least some amount of distance between you and her.

Glynda: Answer me now!

You keep walking forward till the light of the desk lamp illuminates just enough of your suit that Glynda is visibly taken by surprise.

Glynda: T-that suit...Y/N? No...he's gone...who are you?

You keep walking forward till you are standing in front of her outstretched arm and weapon, not touching it but you are clearly illuminated by the lamp. 

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