Chapter 41

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After a little looking around, you find Jaune, Ren, Yang, and Oscar moving very slowly on hover bikes, surrounded by grayed out people. You get out into the street ahead of them and wait for them to get close. Yang, notices you first and stops in front of you.

Yang: Y/N? Where have you been?

Y/N: Just been doing what I can, where I can. Getting in trouble, making friends, making enemies. You know. The usual. What are you four up to?

Yang: We're trying to get everyone in Mantle down into the Crater beneath Atlas so they can at least be warm at night. Ren is masking them to try and keep us safer from the Grimm. Coming with?

Y/N: Sure. Let's walk and talk. No need to mask me Ren.

Ren grumbles from behind Jaune as the group begins moving again. You walk beside Yang

Y/N: So, what has been going on with you guys? I hope it's all going somewhat ok.

Yang: Things are...complicated right now. The group has been split up between those who want to help down here and those who want to keep trying for the original plan.

Y/N: You mean the plan where Ironwood helps us and everyone is friends and all the evil in the world magically disappears? Somehow I don't think that is a good plan anymore.

Yang: No, that plan has certainly gone out the window now. Ruby is going to try and get Amity in the air to get the message out about Salem since Ironwood is going to try and abandon everyone down here.

Y/N: I see. And I am going to take a guess and say that you all down here don't think that it's worth it?

Yang: *sigh* No. I think it's worth it to at least try, its just...

Y/N: You'd rather do what you know you can do.

Yang: Yeah. I can't speak for the others but that's how I feel.

Y/N: Well just hang in there Yang. We'll get through this. I'm going to hang back and talk with Oscar for a bit, to see how he is doing.

Yang: Alright. 

You stop in place and look over your shoulder to watch for Oscar as he get's closer on his bike. You nod to Jaune as he passes and he smiles and gives a quick wave. You begin walking again once you are beside Oscar.

Y/N: So how goes the internal power struggle between a multi thousand year old wizard and a fourteen-fifteen year old farmhand?

Oscar:...It's going. He...Ozpin is back. I haven't told the others but I thought you could know since you've dealt with something similar apparently.

Y/N: Hmm. Well, I think you should definitely tell them at some point. Besides, if I understand how this is going to work out, you and I have two different paths with the person in our heads.

Oscar: What do you mean?

Y/N: Oz hasn't told you about me has he?

Oscar: No. I also haven't asked.

Y/N: Gotcha. Well, I had a Grimm living inside me for quite a while. It was some teleporting one that Salem had made but didn't maintain well enough control over, so when it teleported, it actually teleported to my world, causing me to crash my plane, and it's survival instinct took over and teleported us both back to Remnant. We merged, and just a short while ago, we completely merged together and now I have, what I believe is, complete control over his abilities. At least I think so. Every now and then something new pops up and its just another thing to continue trying out but that's for me to worry about.

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