Chapter 11

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Your eyes open but you are not met by light. You feel weightless and can feel your body float through this dark landscape. You look around yourself and you are only able to see a few feet in front of you as you cant see your feet until you pull your legs up. 

Y/N: Hello? Is anyone out there?

Silence remains as you continue to float. You start trying to move and figure out that when you think about moving, you feel yourself start to shift. You continue in the direction that you believe is forward till you see a red glow ahead of  you. You keep heading towards it and what was originally a single glowing blob, finally splits into two smaller ones. You keep heading towards the glow when finally you hear another voice.

???: So. You finally found your way to me. Granted this could only happen till I got strong enough for us to meet again.

Y/N: Who's there?

???: That is unimportant in its entirety at the moment, what is important is that you understand your situation. You and I are in a lot more complicated agreement than either one of us would normally agree to, and believe me, I've been in here for quite a while now. I know how you work. I know how you think.

Y/N: Seriously, who is this? Is this some kind of joke from one of the students?

???: No, this is not a joke. Now are you going to take this seriously or are you going to continue asking questions?

Y/N: Fine, tell me how we are in a complicated agreement that I never agreed to.

???: Put simply, I shouldn't be here. Yet I am. I inadvertently saved you when I tried to save myself. And now, I am stuck with you.

Y/N: How did you save me? I've never met anyone or anything that lives in my head.

???: Come on, you can't actually be this stupid? I'm positive that you know who I am but you are just refusing to admit it. Think about it. When were you saved last and you haven't already met your savior?

Y/N: Aside from being saved by Ruby and her team, nothing is coming to mind. Nothing normal at least.

???: Ok, this is going to be a lot more frustrating. Do you remember what happened when you fell to the ocean? And then you just magically showed up here? Do you remember what caused you to fall in the first place?

Y/N: Of course I remember, it was a demon. As for showing up in Remnant, we are still trying to figure that out.

???: *sigh* I AM THE DEMON! I AM THE ONE WHO SAVED YOU, YOU COMPLETE AND TOTAL DUMBASS! I mean, more accurately, I am a Grimm but close enough. Seriously, how are you that stupid? We both saw the footage of me protecting you in your fight against Cardin, we both saw me manifest multiple times to block attacks in your fight against Pyrhha. Besides, how do you think you were able to lift that much weight, heal as fast as you do without an Aura? How have you not figured this out yet?

Y/N: Wait, you're telling me, that you, the voice in the darkness, are the demon, that "saved" me? Yeah right. 

???: Grimm, not demon. Listen, I don't care if you don't believe me right now but you need to understand that we are stuck together. Whatever happened when I teleported us back here, caused me to merge with you. You gained my strength, healing abilities, and until I get stronger, I can aid you in combat through my intervention in the form of the smoke that comes out of you. I've only been able to teleport once since I gained my consciousness in here but I am sure that with time, and cooperation, I will be able to do it more. In exchange, I gained your knowledge, which has allowed me to even speak to you. It helps me understand how your body works so I can better aid you, because as far as I can tell, if you die, I die. And I really don't want to die. I may be a Grimm and my whole purpose was to throw a curveball at the huntsmen but that doesn't mean I am going to kill myself so that someone on the opposite side cant get my power. And as much as I may want to be my own entity, I must admit, experiencing things from your view is quite interesting, if frustrating at times.

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