Chapter 10

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As you and Neo exit the bullhead, she quickly pulls you in the direction of an shop in the distance. You follow her, smiling at her enthusiasm. She enters the ice cream shop and bounces with excitement at the layout before her. 

Y/N: So, which one do you want?

Neo quickly points towards a bucket with Neapolitan ice cream in it.

Y/N: And how much of it would you like?

She holds up three fingers as she smiles at you. You walk towards the male faunus behind the counter.

*I.C.S.O (Ice cream Shop Owner)*

I.C.S.O: Welcome! What can I get for you two?

Y/N: A triple scoop cup of Neapolitan and cone of (F/I.C) (Favorite Ice Cream)

I.C.S.O: That will be 12 Lien total.

You pay for the ice cream and head to the table where Neo was eagerly waiting.

Y/N: Here you go Neo. I hope you enjoy it.

Neo nods her head quickly and digs into the cold treat. You sit there quietly and eat your own ice cream while watching her down the whole cup in about the time it takes for you to finish yours.

Y/N: I am going to assume it was good?

Neo nods her head and begins typing on her scroll.

Neo: Yes it was, thank you very much. So, what would you like to ask me? That's what this whole thing was for to begin with right? To get some answers?

Y/N: To be perfectly honest I am just enjoying my time with you. But yes I do have some questions. Lets start with where you are from?

Neo: Not exactly sure but I have spent most of my life here in Vale.

Y/N: What did you do before you were with your team at Beacon?

Neo: I was working for a crime boss but that didn't really work out too well for a short time and that's when I was picked up by Cinder.

Y/N: How do you feel about your current situation?

Neo: With my "team", not so great. I stuck with my old boss because he treated me good and new what I had to offer was quite useful so he kept me on as his partner. Cinder though, she just seems like she sees me as a means to an end.

Y/N: Do you want out?

Neo: What do you mean?

Y/N: Do you want out from your team? Do you want out of the life you are currently in? I am sure I can get Ozpin to understand your situation and have you "transferred" to Beacon and put on a team with me. I very well could be starting to go on missions here soon and I will need a team more than likely so I don't get lopped with one of the others and throw off their balance.

Neo: You would do that?

Y/N: Well yeah. You're practically staying with me already, and you have been quite open with information about who you work with and your past. You've also been quite open about other things as well, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to explore that more.

Neo: Well once we get home then we can "explore" that as much as you want.  ;)

Y/N: As nice as that would be, there would still be the issue of Ozpin. Convincing him to let you in wouldn't be easy. You would need to offer something in exchange for both his permission to enter Beacon and to be under his protection. 

Neo: I would be willing to tell him everything I know about Cinder and her team but I want to leave my old boss out of the negotiation. I still care for him as a friend and I don't want to rat him out just so I can fell safe.

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