Chapter 29

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You grab your scroll and turn the alarm off just as Winter's door opens and she walks out.

Winter: Oh, you're awake...wait, what's wrong?

You look at her and she is standing right behind the couch looking at you.

Y/N: Bad dream. That's all.

Winter: Must've been, you're drenched. Feel free to take a shower before we get started today.

Y/N: Thanks.

You slowly get up and walk over to the suitcase that has the extra suits in it. You take one set out and you walk over to Winter's door. She motions for you to follow her in, she leads you to another door within her room, opening it she steps in and waits for you to step in as well.

Winter: Feel free to use those two bottles, I got them a short while ago and didn't like them very much and haven't bothered to get rid of them yet. There is a comb in the cabinet beneath the sink and a unused toothbrush as well. Do not use anything else in here. There is a towel on the left towel rack that you can use. Any questions?

Y/N: One, hot water to the left or right?

Winter: Left. I'll get breakfast ready so don't take too long.

She steps to the side of you and walks out, closing the door behind her. You set the clothing set down on some piece of furniture inside the rather spacious bathroom. You then begin to undress, folding each piece as you take them off and place them on the floor beneath the clean set. You take a quick shower, thinking about the dream the whole time. You get finished after five or so minutes and get dressed in the new clothing, leaving the jacket and vest off. You step out after getting the dirty clothing and you walk into the main room. You put the old clothing on top of the suitcase and you set the new vest and jacket on the back of the couch. You then walk over and get the vest and jacket you had set on the table, and you put them with the dirty clothes on the suitcase, making sure to grab the second scroll and putting it in the new vest's pocket. You walk into the kitchen and see Winter standing front of the stove with a apron on over her dress shirt.

Y/N: You know, there is a thing called "casual" clothing. It's this really neat thing that allows you to wear something that you don't care about getting dirty.

Winter: When you are in my position, that isn't something that you typically keep on hand.

Y/N: And who says that? I had a superior officer when I was in the air force that anytime he was able to, he would wear sandals and beach shorts. Dude was in his late forties or something and didn't care if anyone thought it was unprofessional for him to do so.

Winter: Well then I guess I just never really had the opportunity to find any that I wanted to get.

Y/N: That's a shame. Well what's for breakfast?

Winter: Scrambled eggs with (random extra ingredients that I am not going to be bothered to find and write), bacon, and an orange.

Y/N: Well aside from that absolutely obnoxious amount of extra stuff in the eggs, that's a lot more normal than I thought you would make.

Winter: Oh? And how would you make it?

Y/N: First, get rid of the orange. Replace it with a nice ripe apple, something sweet but firm. First thing you do, is you cook up half of the bacon, halfway, cut up the apple into thin slices and put them into the bacon grease. It will caramelize them and they are absolutely amazing. Next, put the bacon back in and finish off the rest of the bacon as well. Next, put the eggs into the pan with the bacon grease and mix it all together, then scramble the, like you would normally do. Lastly, get a bread roll, and then you eat. Really the whole thing is better if you eat it as its cooked so then everything is hot and fresh when you eat it.

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