Chapter 25

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Once the door closes, you turn your attention back to the team. All sitting and looking at you.

Y/N: Did you actually see him attack you?

Yang: Of course I did! Don't you believe me?

Y/N: I never saw what happened so I am not sure what to believe. I mean, I'll stand by you in this but if I find out something I didn't already know, then just know that there will be no stopping me in settling this matter. Now, I am going to have a talk with JNPR since they were there as well, and then I have got a conversation with Ironwood that needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later. 

You turned and opened the door, stepping out, you look back in and take another glance at Yang who has her head hung low. Closing the door, you step over and knock on the door to JNPR's room. The door opens and you see Jaune.

Jaune: Oh, Y/N. What can we do for you?

Y/N: What you can do is let me talk to you and your team.

Jaune steps aside, opening the door to let you in. You walk through and glance at the team. Pyrrha has a slightly annoyed expression, while Nora and Ren look surprised to see you.

Y/N: So. What is your thoughts on the situation?

Jaune: I don't really know what to think. It all happened so fast but I refuse to believe that Yang actually did that. 

Ren: I agree. While she has let her anger get to her before, I highly doubt she would attack her opponent even after she had already won.

Nora: Same here.

You look at Pyrrha who hasn't even looked at you.

Y/N: Pyrrha, any thoughts?

Pyrrha: (sounding annoyed) Nothing that you need to hear. 

You raise an eyebrow at this and step closer.

Y/N: Have I done something to deserve that tone? Because as far as I can tell, I have given no reason to you or to the rest of your team to deserve that. So please enlighten me if I have done something wrong.

Pyrrha: Why did those guards follow your command? Did you agree to something with Ironwood? Have you already signed your life away to go and work for a military!? Even if it was something happening after your time here at Beacon, you wouldn't be able to give orders to guards. So that means you are going to be leaving soon. What have you done Y/N!? 

Y/N: I have done nothing more than I have set out to do already. All of this, (gestures to the uniform) and what happened with those guards is literally just as new to me as it is to you. After I am done in here, I am going to go have a good talk with Ironwood and find out what he has done over there in Atlas.

Jaune: you have any idea what happened in there. Y/N?

Y/N: No. I had to go talk with Ironwood during the fight, which is where I found out that my plane is going back to Atlas for repairs, and that's also where I got this suit. Curtesy of Ironwood. When I got back to the colosseum, I heard the cheers inside so I figured the fight just ended. Then they turned to boos and at that point Glynda had shown up so we both looked at her scroll to see what happened, only to see the broadcast cut just as she got it loaded. I ran down the staging tunnel and that's where I met Yang and the escort. So I'll ask again Pyrrha. Do you have any thoughts on the subject? I would like to go have a word with Ironwood before he finds somewhere else to be. 

Pyrrha just shakes her head and looks away from you. Sighing, you turn and walk out the door to see RWB outside of their dorm. Nodding to them, you turn and walk down the hall where Ironwood was. 

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