Chapter 34

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As the Nevermore flies away from the castle, you look back numerous times to make sure you aren't being followed. After you can't see the castle anymore, you finally fall asleep on the back of the Nevermore from exhaustion. You don't wake up for many hours and its really only because you can hear the fog horn from a ship sound out below you. You look down and see a large cargo ship heading in the same direction as you are. Looking ahead of the Grimm's head, you see an island you don't recognize. A tropical landscape tucked away in the corner of a large island of mountains and desert. 

Y/N: most definitely...not Atlas. The fuck did you take stupid bird?

The Nevermore screeches at you before it turns over on its back and dives as you cling to its back with everything you can muster. Who knew, pulling difficult maneuvers while not strapped in is dangerous. Huh. Good to know. The giant Grimm flies downward before pulling out of the dive and soaring over the village. Many of the inhabitants start screaming and some start shooting at it. It turns and rolls, trying to shake you off. Keeping your hold, you steer it back to the ocean and once you are past the shore, you let go and roll off of the giant Grimm, falling into the water twenty feet below you. It doesn't take long for you to get swept to shore by the waves and you slowly crawl up the sandy beach. Dried blood from human and Grimm alike stain the white sand as the water washes some of it off of you. Finally once you get out of the water and further up the beach, Faunus surround you and you roll over onto your back, closing your eyes and you just stay there, breathing. A voice starts getting louder through the murmurs of the crowd and you look up to see a large man with black hair making his way towards you.

???: What is going on here!? Oh-

Y/N:'re having...huh?

You limply give a partial hand wave before your arm falls back to the sound and you close your eyes again. Exhaustion once again taking over. You wake up some time later but this time in a bedroom that you don't recognize. Trying to get up, you feel something tugging at your skin, rolling back the covers you see that virtually every part of your torso is wrapped in bandages and much of your left arm is as well. You don't see any straps holding you down, so you breathe a sigh of relief for that at least. Swinging your legs off of the bed, you slowly get up and start walking to the door, sliding it open and peering out.

Y/N: Well they obviously don't see me as a threat or they would have locked the door.

You start walking through the halls, propping yourself on the walls as you head towards voices further in the large building. Eventually, you find yourself standing in the door way of what seems to be some kind of dining room but it has a low table instead of one with chairs. The people sitting at it finally notice you and you notice one person in particular.

Y/N: Blake?

Blake: Y/N!?

She gets up and runs to you, swinging her arms around you and hugging tightly.

Y/N:*grunt* Everything's still soar. So ease up on the squeeze there if you don't mind?

She quickly lets go and stands back a bit.

Blake: Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just so surprised to see you is all. I knew somebody arrived and caused a big fuss but I didn't know it was you!

Y/N: Yeah I tend to do that no matter where I go huh?

???: Blake dear, would you mind introducing us to your friend?

You step out from the door way and try to stand straight.

Y/N: Y/N L/N. Specialist Pilot in the Atlas Military. Or at least I think so still. I'm not sure how long I've been......there.

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