Chapter 9

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General Ironwood and Ozpin have asked every question they can think of to you and Ruby about what happened in the CCT Tower. They have dismissed Ruby to return to her dorm but they both asked that you stay for a while longer.

G. Ironwood: I have some rather good news for you Mr. L/N, but I am sure the Professor has something more important to discuss with you.

Ozpin: I know I forbade you from engaging in combat, but without you here, who knows how this could've happened. So in spite of my previous judgement, I am going to allow you to start sparring again. We need to find out what this is and the only time it comes out is when you are in danger. So, starting Monday, you will begin sparring in the training room with Professor Goodwitch and the other students that she permits you to spar with. You will also be allowed to spar in the gyms sparring arena as long as I or Professor Goodwitch is present. I trust that you wont make me take back my decision.

Y/N: Thank you, and I wont let you down. Believe me I want to know what this is just as much as you.

G. Ironwood: Well if that's all, then like I said, I have good news for you. Your plane has finished its time at Atlas. We have repaired and altered the aircraft to suit our standards, and now we have started the development of our own version. The only thing left is for you to take it on a test flight and have the technicians adjust anything that you would like to be adjusted. It will arrive Monday Evening along with the old engine like you requested. We also took the liberty of manufacturing the replacement parts that we know of for that engine but it is different from anything we have ever seen so just let me know if there is something missing.

Y/N: Thank you so much sir! I really didn't expect it to be done this quickly. 

G. Ironwood: Well you do have Atlas handling its development. We are the most technologically advanced kingdom here after all.

Ozpin: Well I believe that's everything, Mr. L/N, you are free to go back to your dorm. I look forward to any further developments in this power that you posses. 

Y/N: Thank you both.

You walk to the elevator and reach the bottom. The guards that were attacked are being seen to by medics and doctors as you walk out the front door. Waiting for you at the base of the steps outside the yellow tape is Pyrhha.

Y/N: Hey Pyrhha. What has brought you out here this late? Much less important but why are you still in the dress for the dance? Did you come straight here after it finished?

Pyrhha: The dance is still going on but Ruby contacted us and told us what happened. Her team left to go to their dorm and my team is slowly making their way back. I came to check on you sense Ruby told us that the General and Ozpin had kept you longer than her. Is everything alright?

Y/N: Yeah everything is fine. Ozpin just informed me that I could start back with sparring matches. I need to talk with him to sort out some of the details but I am at least allowed to start combat training again. And guess what.

Pyrhha: Well that's great news! And what?

Y/N: Ironwood got my plane finished! All he has left to do is have me give it a test flight to ensure its to my liking and then have the technicians do any alterations to make it better for me. I will finally be able to fly again Pyrhha!

Pyrhha: Congratulations Y/N. I know that plane meant a lot to you so its good to see it being returned.

Y/N: You know, once it gets here and I get used to it, you should go for a ride in it with me. I know it will be a different experience than the bullheads.

Pyrhha: I would love that Y/N. Walk me home?

Y/N: I would love nothing more.

Pyrhha blushes a bit but its hard to see it due to it being dark out. You both walk towards JNPR's dorm room and stop outside the door.

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