Chapter 31

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Hello everyone, I'm back, the story is back, and I've got an idea with what I want to do with the story. I'll talk a little about that at the end of the chapter but just know that this one is quite long compared to the others. Over 10k words for the actual story itself. So make yourself comfortable, and welcome back to the story.

With a little help from AIFA, you managed to find Ruby and Yang's home on Patch. You landed in the large clearing nearby and after getting out, you turn to see the familiar black hair and red cape standing at the front door. You take off your helmet and set it down on the wing beside you. Walking forward, you notice her smile and what looks to be crying as she sprints towards you. She slams into you, almost knocking you over, and gives you a deep hug.

Y/N: Hey Ruby. How's it going?

Ruby: Where have you been!? You never responded to me when I tried to call you and I'm sure the others have tried as well.

Y/N: Kind of went for a good long rest, and now I'm an Atlas Specialist. Just kind of how the dice rolled.

Ruby: Well come on, Yang will want to see you as well!

She lets go of you and grabs your right hand, squeezing it as she pulls you towards the house. She pauses for a moment as she squeezes your hand, questioningly she looks up at you.

Y/N: That is best to be talked about inside. 

She nods and pulls you towards the now open door with a blonde man standing in the doorway.

???: Who is this Ruby? One of your friends?

Ruby: Yeah! This is Y/N L/N, I'm sure you saw him in the tournament. Don't you remember?

???: Head inside Ruby. I need to have a chat with Mr. L/N.

Ruby looks questioningly at the man before nodding and heading inside. Leaving you standing in front of the man. He turns and closes the door behind him before crossing his arms over his chest.

???: What are you doing here?

Y/N: Before we get down to business, may I at least know your name?

???: Tai. Ruby and Yang's dad. Now answer the question.

Y/N: I woke up from a three month long slumber not too long ago and now I am tracking down everyone I lost contact with. Ruby and Yang were next on my list.

Tai: Mm-hmm. So you think you can just show up here and expect to be let into my home after how you treated those students? I mean, my team was good back when we were at Beacon, but not a single one of us could take on a four man team on our own. Let alone decimate them while putting on a show. So who exactly are you?

Y/N: It will be simplest to just say I am not normal. And no, I do not expect you to do anything. It would be nice, if you let me inside so I can say hello to my friends.

Tai stares at you, cutting a glare into your eyes. The shorter man walks up to you and looks you up and down.

Tai: You were obviously good with your fists in the tournament. Spar with me and I'll let you come inside.

Y/N: Fine. Where do you want to do this?

Tai: Right here.

With that he punches you in the gut as hard as he can. He caught you by surprise, sending you back a bit. You look back up and see him coming at you, he prepares to swing his fist at you and you teleport to his side and slam your own fist into his head, sending him flying away and into the trunk of a nearby tree. He slowly gets up and you take off your flight jacket, throwing it to the ground. You run towards at him, using your increased speed to give your attack even more force. You slam your fist once again into him, slamming him into the tree again. His aura flares heavily at this and he tries to get away from the tree. You grab him by the back of his shirt and throw him to another tree, letting him hit before you teleport beside him and grab him, raising him into the air and slamming him back down to the ground. You walk around him and then you swing your left foot into his side, kicking him across the ground a good ten feet. 

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