Bio Cont.

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Y/N L/N (Update)

Teleported to Remnant by a Grimm that somehow made it to Earth. When the Grimm attempted to teleport back, it fused with Y/N. Allowing Y/N to use its strengths while the Grimm benefited from having a human conscience act as a voice of reason for it. Effectively it is a mutualistic relationship. Both parties benefit, while neither are harmed.

Currently, the limit of the powers granted to Y/N, are increased strength, increased stamina, the ability to learn much faster, and a form of an aura that boils down to the Grimm manifesting itself as smoke and stopping incoming damage to Y/N's body. 

The Grimm has no name as of right now. Merely staying as a voice in Y/N's head. It requires rest to get back to its original capabilities, of which the only known additional power is teleportation. Y/N and the Grimm have been together for long enough were the Grimm no longer has to devote additional energy to amplify Y/N's strength, furthering the bond that will eventually result in Y/N and the Grimm becoming one in Y/N's body and mind.

Y/N is currently having issues with trying to figure out what his place in this world is. He knows he can't exactly stay at Beacon for his whole life. His current ideas for what to do after, are joining Flora in the creation of her freelance team of skilled pilots, travelling, or possibly finding another kingdom to call home.

Y/N's current relationships are a bit in the air for the most part. The ones where there is something physical going on is currently limited to Flora, but Glynda and Nora have both shown a willingness. Others that are in the slow making of, are Pyrrha, Neo, and possibly Coco and Velvet. People he considers close friends consist of RWBY, JNPR, Glynda, and to an extent Ozpin. People he considers friends or people he is comfortable with are Ironwood, Vought, Flora, Annabel, Edelweiss, Neo, CFVY, and the various teachers at Beacon.

Flora Elbret

Height: as tall as Glynda with her heels on. Roughly 6' 4-5"

Age: 25

Appearance: Lightly tanned, blondish brown hair in a pony tail. Body type similar to that of Pyrrha. Generally in a white pilots jumpsuit or something similar.

Flora is the test pilot for Atlas' program of creating a compact jet fighter. She personally tested Y/N's plane when it was rebuilt and modified as the test platform for the jet fighter program. She developed a physical relationship with Y/N, but made it clear that she likes him only for his skill and for their apparent appreciation for the same things. 

Has dreams of recreating the freelance pilots group that her father had been the leader of. Has approached Y/N about joining, but both agreed to get passed their current restrictions in their lives before agreeing to do anything.

Annabel Meyer

Height: 5' 10", ears bring her up to 6' 7"

Age: 22

Appearance: White haired rabbit Faunus with red eyes and pale skin. Typically in her waitress uniform of a white dress shirt, black vest, black dress pants, and black dress shoes with a little bit of heel to them to bring her height up a little more. Keeps her long hair in a pony tail to keep her look more professional. Body type similar to Weiss.

Younger sister to Edelweiss Meyer, left Menagerie when she turned 20, making her way to Vale and working a couple of different jobs before finally ending up at the restaurant where Y/N meets her. She always tried to get out from under her sister's shadow, both literally and figuratively. She tries to hold herself to a more professional standard so that she can secure her position as someone other than just a unique rabbit Faunus.

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