Chapter 20

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Your eyes open to the now familiar darkness. Looking around, you notice something below you. Moving towards it, you eventually realize its clouds. Touching them, it feels like solid ground. You plant your feet down and begin to walk forward, through the dense layer of clouds that are acting as a floor. Eventually you reach the same familiar red eyes, but this time, there is a dark hazy outline around the eyes. You can just barely make out the outline of a tall humanoid figure crouching in front of you, staring right back into your eyes.

Y/N: You've been busy.

???: Yes I have, you've given me plenty of time to rest. Thank you for that. 

Y/N: What's with the clouds?

???: From my time in here, looking through your memories and listening to you as you talk to people, I am going to take a guess and say this is where you feel at home at. So that is what your mindscape uses for this place in which I reside. We are quite literally up in the clouds.

Y/N: Huh, that does make a bit of sense. So, you' a body? Or at least an outline?

The figure raises an arm and holds its hand up, the eyes shift and it looks at its arm and hand, rotating them and waving them around as they talk.

???: Yes, I've finally gotten enough back where I can have a semi physical body while I am in here. Now you can at least see what I roughly look like. 

Y/N: So how tall are you? I mean, you are obviously crouching in front of me and you're still at eye level.

???: I would be roughly fourteen feet tall if I was upright, but this is easier for you.

Y/N: Huh. So any new updates on powers or anything like that? Need me to try anything out?

???: I don't think so at the moment. However, if you could somehow convince Ozzy to let you join this tournament I have been hearing about, then that would be a great testing area.

Y/N: Ozzy? I am going to assume you mean Ozpin.

???: Of course. I just don't like him very much and that's what I have taken to calling him.

Y/N: Well, if there is nothing else then I will do my best to get Ozpin to agree to letting me join the tournament.

???: Have a good nights rest Y/N. And thank you for continuing your cooperation. I am quite enjoying watching your adventures with your friends.

You nod to the figure and lift back up into the dark surroundings, leaving the red eyes behind you. Eventually you feel yourself slip into sleep, finally getting to rest.

*knock knock knock*

You wake up to knocking on your door and roll out of your bed. Walking to the door you open it, not bothering to see who it is. You look out in front of you, not seeing anyone. Looking around, you finally notice Ruby who is currently staring at you with a very red blushing face. Looking down, you realize you are in your underwear, standing directly in front of her. 

Y/N: Shit. Gimme a moment.

You close the door and grab your pants off the floor, throwing them on, you walk a bit further and grab your shirt from the edge of your bed and you throw it on. Walking back you open the door and Ruby is turned around with her hands covering her face, mumbling to herself.

Y/N: Sorry about that. I got home late last night and I didn't feel up to changing. Is there something you need?

Ruby: Ozpinwantstoseeyoubye!

Ruby then runs down the hall in a dead sprint. Leaving you standing there in your open doorway, still groggy from waking up, and wondering what just happened.

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