Chapter 13

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The morning classes go as normal, Oobleck being energetic, Port talking at the students about his past that nobody really cares about, the usual. You finally get to lunch and take your seat at your normal table with RWBY and JNPR.

Pyrhha: Y/N, excited to finally get your plane back today?

Y/N: Abso-frickin-lutely. God knows its been too long.

Pyrhha: Well I for one am looking forward to our flight.

Yang: Wait, you're taking Pyrhha on a flight and not us? Where is the sense in that!?

You look at Ruby who is staring at her food, trying not to make a noise.

Y/N: Well I am taking Ruby as well.

Yang: What!?

Y/N: And Nora.

Yang: What!?

Y/N: And Neo.

Yang: Ok, that one makes sense. She is your partner after all. *mumbles* Still pissed Ozpin didn't put him on our team.

Y/N: What was that Yang?

Yang: Nothing. So when are you going to start the flights?

Y/N: As soon as it gets here, and I give myself some time to get used to whatever they did to my plane.

G. Ironwood: That may come sooner than you think.

Y/N: General!

You stand up and begin to raise your arm to salute when Ironwood raises a hand for you to stop.

G. Ironwood: Please Mr. L/N. You're not my soldier, you're not my pilot, you don't have to salute to me just like Ozpin doesn't.

Y/N: I know sir, it just feels normal to be honest. I guess the military is still fresh up here isn't it?

You knock on the side of your head to exaggerate your statement.

G. Ironwood: I've known people in this life that have served longer than most would dream of, and trust me when I say, no matter how long you are "out" it never really leaves you. 

Y/N: I don't doubt it.

Silence falls across the table as everyone looks at the two standing individuals.

G. Ironwood: Ahem. Like I was saying, you will be able to start your test flights rather soon actually. The test pilot who flew it for Atlas will be here shortly along with the aircraft. So, if you would like to follow me, we can go ahead and get you suited up for it. I assume you would want to wear your original flight suit? I doubt you would be comfortable in your student uniform.

Y/N: Thank you sir, and yes I will change into my flight gear. I just need to head back to my room and get changed.

G. Ironwood: Not necessary, your suit has already been retrieved and is waiting for you in the hangars where your plane will be moved to.

Y/N: Oh! Ok then, um, I'll see you around guys.

Pyrhha: Bye Y/N.

G. Ironwood: You all may come as well if you would like. I over heard that Mr. L/N had promised some of you a flight, so once he is done getting adjusted then I don't see any reason to not let him do what he wishes with his plane.

You look back and multiple of the girls got excited looks and were looking directly at you, as though they were asking permission. You even noticed Ren and Jaune paying more attention to what you would say next.

Y/N: All right, come on.

Everyone at the table very quickly got up and threw away the rest of their food in a trashcan on the far wall. While this is happening you sense Ironwood leaning closer to you.

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