Chapter 19

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A/N: I am going to have this chapter, and then we will get into the Vytal Festival itself. 

You wake up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Rolling over to look, you watch Flora walk out with a towel around her. She sits down in a chair by the table and looks at you.

Flora: So, you gonna tell me what last night was about? I get you had an issue but, you had to have gotten that way for a reason. So who was she?

Y/N: Nora. She came over here, asking about relationship stuff. Then she had me try and give her core a massage, which I have never done before mind you, and then she fell asleep. I went and got us dinner from the cafeteria, she suggested we go and work out, we did. She decided to reward me. Apparently her version of a reward is leaving a guy at full mast. So yeah, that just about sums it up.

Flora: Nora is the ginger with the hammer right?

Y/N: Yeah. Well thank you for coming by. Can I get you anything for breakfast?

Flora: No, I'm going to go get some with my roommate and a couple friends.

Y/N: Well have fun. Feel free to stick around for as long as you need. I'm going to take a quick shower and then probably going to just hang around Beacon. 

As you say this, you walk into the bathroom and take a shower. After getting done, you walk out and notice that Flora has left. Getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you start to wander around the school. You run into various people from different teams that have returned or are heading out. Many of them don't pay you any attention but a few do give a short hello before going on their way. Finally you end up at the elevator to Ozpin's office. Heading into the elevator, it closes and starts to bring you up. The doors open and you see Ozpin looking out the large windows.

Ozpin: Ah, hello Mr. L/N. I regret that I haven't thanked you yet for your speedy return to aid in the Grimm outbreak.

Y/N: Don't mention it. Heard anything from ABRN?

Ozpin: Yes, they are in a much more secure area thanks to you. Sadly they haven't figured out as of yet to what brought the large amount there. 

Y/N: Well its only been a short time since they got out there in the first place.

Ozpin: True enough. So, what can I do for you?

Y/N: Just thought I would check in and give you a brief update on my special circumstance. 

Ozpin: Anything to note?

Y/N: Other than I have started to talk with him. Apparently when he teleported with me and my plane, it caused us to fuse together...(You give Ozpin a brief summary of what has been going on with the changes)

Y/N: I'm not particularly worried about it as much anymore. It definitely seems as though he legitimately wants to work with me and not against me.

Ozpin: You keep calling it "he." Why?

Y/N: Because the voice it has in my head is a rather low and grumbling males voice. So I am calling it a he.

Ozpin: Well, as much as it seems as though everything is going alright with it, please just keep your wits about you. It is a Grimm after all that's inside your head.

Y/N: Sure thing. Are there any teams that need any help out there?

Ozpin: No, all of them seem to be in a good position. Feel free to use the week however you see fit.

Y/N: Alright, see you around Ozpin.

You walk back to the elevator and go down to the ground floor.

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