Chapter 40

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You only managed to sleep for a few minutes when sirens started blaring out all across Mantle. Getting up, you make your way outside and see Grimm all across the streets. Pulling the scarf closer to your neck, you sigh and head out, killing Grimm as you come across them and helping people where you can. As you fight through the Grimm, you can hear Ironwoods voice going through the speakers, but the most you can catch onto is that he is talking about Salem.

Y/N: I guess he finally decided to open up.

You turn a corner and standing in the middle of an alley way is both Robyn and Tyrian. You make eye contact with Robyn from behind him and you start to approach. 

Tyrian: Robyn Hill, for such a little bird, you have quite the impact around here! 

Robyn fires a bolt at him and you duck behind a dumpster so Tyrian doesn't see you when he dodges it. 

Tyrian: Bringing hope and a smile wherever you go! 

She fires another bolt but he catches this one between two fingers. 

Tyrian: I find it... upsetting. 

He starts laughing and charges Robyn with his weapons out, getting closer while deflecting the bolts as he charges her. He gets within a few feet when a hook comes out of nowhere and tries to catch him, but he once again deflects it and jumps back. You look around him as you keep walking up and see both Qrow and the leader of the Ace-ops. 

Robyn: Sorry Callows, I really wanted to pummel you on my own, but the general insisted I share. 

Clover: Well, you're not the only one with a grudge.

Qrow: You'll both have to get in line.

Y/N: Come on now, if we've got this many people already then we might as well make it a party.

Tyrian turns around and looks at you with a bit of shock.

Tyrian: Y-You shouldn't be moving!

Y/N: Well what did you expect? Not even the wicked witch could kill me and you thought a scratch to my back would do it? It's just part of the collection now. Tell me, how is the evil mustache doing? I didn't break him too much did I?

Tyrians face contorts in fear before it quickly switches to anger. 

Clover: Tyrian Callows, you're under arrest.

Tyrian starts laughing and Qrow is the first to attack, both of them slashing and dodging around each other till Clover distracts him enough for Robyn to fire a bolt and you to come in after he catches it, slamming your fist into his shoulder as you go past. This allows Qrow to get a good hit in with the bottom of his sword, making Tyrian slide back next to the wall of the building. Tyrian runs over to where you, Clover, and Robyn are at, attacking Clover only to have him wrap his hooks line around his arm, which then allows Qrow to come in and try to attack. Tyrian manages to get away from the both of them and jumps up to a pipe running alongside the building. You teleport up and as he deflects another one of Robyn's bolts, you kick him in his back, sending him to the ground for Qrow to start attacking him again. Tyrian locks blades with Qrow till Clover used his hook to grab his tail, Robyn fired two bolts with she purposefully bounced off of the pipes, which then hit Tyrian, forcing him back. Qrow and Clover start attacking him non stop, with Tyrian getting wrapped up in Clovers cord before he shreds it off in some weird break dancing move. He then stands up and starts to laugh again, only for you to teleport behind him and throw all of your strength into one punch to the back of his head. Shattering his aura, and knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

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