Chapter 32

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Y/N: Uh...Winter?

She looks back at you and quickly turns back, grabbing the folded suit on the bed. She walks past you and places the suit into the suit case that holds the others that are like it.

Winter: Sorry, was just getting your dress uniforms folded up. Everything you have is with the other two bags.

Y/N: I see. Thank you Winter.

She just nods to you and heads back into her room, closing the door behind her. You get your flight jacket, and then you walk over and grab the two duffel bags and the suitcase, carrying them to your room which is luckily right on the same floor, just a bit down the hallway due to the size of the apartments. You open the door and walk in, noticing the room is almost exactly the same as Winter's apartment. You set the duffel bag with the food items down in the kitchen and you walk into the bedroom. Looking around you find a closet and you go about putting the suits in it. Heading over to the dresser, you then put all of the other clothing you have within it. You hang your flight jacket on the bed post at the foot of the bed before walking back out and into the kitchen. You start putting the various food items in the refrigerator and you find the cook book that Winter let you use within the bag. You smile before you set the book down on the counter. You go and change out of your flight suit clothing and into a hoodie and jeans that you had bought for your trip. You then return to the main room and sit down on the couch, turning on the TV with the nearby remote. You stay there for quite a while, watching the sun slowly finish setting and eventually it becomes dark outside. Grabbing your scroll, you notice it's only 8:32 PM and you sigh, rolling your head back and looking at the ceiling. 

*Knock Knock*

You roll your head to look at the door before sighing and getting up to answer the door. Opening the door you are about to speak when Winter begins to speak as well.

Winter: Do yo-

Y/N: Yes?

Winter: I'm sorry you go first.

Y/N: No you go first.

Winter: Alright. Do you have any plans for tonight?

Y/N: I mean I was just watching the TV but there isn't really anything good on.

Winter: Oh. Um, would you like to come over and watch a movie or something?

Y/N: Um. Sure? Like right now?

Winter: You don't have to if you don't want, I'm not trying to pressure you or anything!

Y/N: No, it's fine. Sure, I would love to come over and watch a movie.

You walk back in just enough to grab your scroll and turn the lights off. Winter is waiting outside in the hallway for you as you lock your room. She then walks with you down the hall and opens the door letting you in before closing it. 

Winter: Go ahead and sit on the couch, let me just get a few things ready and I'll be out.

You watch as she walks in her room and closes the door, and you walk over and sit down on the couch. After a few minutes, she walks out and surprises you by the fact that she is wearing something other than her normal suit thing. She is actually wearing casual clothing for once. It's still a sweater and a pair of black pants but still. You smile a bit at this and she notices, turning her head quickly and walking into the kitchen.

Winter: Do you want anything to drink?

Y/N: What have you got?

Winter: Really just water, a couple soda cans, and then tea but I would have to start that and we wouldn't get it till later.

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