Chapter 14

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Shortly after Ozpin walks out of the building, you finally get over the shock of what he just said. How does Ozpin know about what the test pilot said to you? Why did he smile? What games is this man playing? All of these are questions you have asked yourself as you make your way to the amphitheater. Finally entering the room, you see large groups of students, all sorted in sections. Taking your place at the rear of the Beacon students, Ozpin begins his speech. (His speech in V2:E8 Field Trip).

Ozpin: Lastly, a message before everyone goes to choose your missions, I have a special message for our students here at Beacon. Due to some conflicts in the schedule, this event had to be pushed back, but it will be happening today. After you have chosen your mission, you will be directed to the rear landing strip by the hangars for some very special guests. I trust you all to be on your best behavior. That will be all.

The room fills with clapping and you watch the various teams form up and start heading to the mission boards to select their assignments. Neo walks up to you, leaving JNPR. Noticing she looks a little sad but quickly changes to a happier image as she approaches.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Neo: I overheard that you won't be going on a mission. That you will be staying here and helping Goodwitch.

Y/N: Well that doesn't necessarily mean that we won't be going on a mission.

P. Goodwitch: No, you won't be going on a mission.

Y/N: Jesus Christ! Where did you come from!?

P. Goodwitch: The stage? Where else.

Y/N: Well duh, but what do you mean that we won't be going on a mission?

P. Goodwitch: I said that you won't be going on a mission. I have been informed by Professor Ozpin that Neopolitan is free to join another team on a mission if she so chooses. He recommended that she go with team RWBY. I'm not even going to try to understand why he is letting one of you go and not the other, but that's not what I am here for. 

Neo looks at you with a sort of questioning expression.

Y/N: Neo, if you would like to go with RWBY then you are free to do as you wish. You've been a very good girl as of late with JNPR so I am sure you would do just the same with RWBY. 

Neo walks forwards and hugs you for a moment before pulling you down and kissing you on the cheek. She then walks off in the direction of RWBY, where you see Ozpin currently talking to them by one of the mission boards.

Y/N: Soooo, other than letting us know that I can't go on a mission but Neo can, is there anything else you need?

P. Goodwitch: Nothing that can't be discussed in my office, now come along Mr. L/N.

Goodwitch then begins to walk out of the amphitheater and you see Ozpin smiling at you as you follow. You think to yourself that he is most deficiently planning something or knows something you don't. Finally arriving at Goodwitchs office, she turns to set her tablet on her desk.

P. Goodwitch: I witnessed your aerial display from Ozpin's Office.

Y/N: You saw that huh? I thought I saw two people up there.

P. Goodwitch: So I am going to assume that you know to never fly that fast around the tower, or the school again.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah. So what is it that you need help with?

P. Goodwitch: I've got somethings that need to be delivered to a storage warehouse on the other side of the city.

Y/N: Soooo, you want me to carry them?

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