Chapter 24

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*loud speakers at the colosseum*

Port: Welcome back to the Vytal Festival Tournament! 

Oobleck: Today is the doubles rounds, meaning two members from each of the winning teams will now go up against other winning teams.

Port: All except for one that is, of course we are talking about Y/N L/N of Beacon! The one man team who won against team CRDL! 

Oobleck: Yes, and he is part of the very first round today, going up against Penny Polendina and Ciel Soleil of Atlas! The two teams are now arriving on the rising platform.

You stare down the two women in front of you and when the platform locks into place, you look out and look at the crowd. Raising a hand up and waving out to the crowd, you cause a spike in the cheers.

Port: Oh! It seems like the crowd already has a favorite! Let's see what this round holds for him in the competition to see if he holds up to the crowds cheers!

You look back to the two women and give a slight bow to them, then you draw your saber and hold it next to you.

Penny: Sal-u-tations Mr. L/N! It's a pleasure to fight you, but I am afraid I must beat you.

Ciel: Penny, we are in a fight. You need to maintain concentration.

Y/N: What's the big deal? If she want's to be polite before the match then let her. Who are you to say how she needs to act? Penny, was it? I look forward to our match and I hope to give you a good fight.

Ciel: Why yo-

Penny: Thank you Mr. L/N! I hope we may see each other after the fight to discuss the outcome!

You nod and glance at the arena indicators, seeing the mountains, the ocean, the geysers, and something you don't recognize. As the platforms rise up, you look at the one you don't recognize, seeing it to be these floating floating platforms. You get into a ready stance and wait for Port to start the match.

Port: In 3...2...1...start!

Penny brings an array of swords out from behind her that are seemingly floating while Ciel just stands still. Penny then sends the swords flying towards you, you charge forward as well, heading straight for Penny. Managing to get closer much faster than both of them were expecting, you slash at Penny who dodges out of the way but Ciel doesn't move quick enough so you pivot and slam your left fist into her back, throwing her across the field and into the mountains. Turning your attention to Penny, you quickly bring your saber up to block an incoming strike from Penny's swords. Bracing against the repeated hits, you hold still till you feel one of the swords slash across your back. Stumbling forward, you quickly roll out of the way of the incoming swords and notice something strange connected to the swords, something like a wire. Getting back, you hear the Grimm's voice in your head.

???: You saw that right?

Y/N: Mm-Hmm.

???: You thinking what I am?

Y/N: We share the same head so yeah. Let's do this. 

Pulling out your revolver with your left hand, you fire off two shots at Penny while running towards her in which she uses her swords to block the shots. Getting close, you launch yourself at her and into the air, jumping right over her. Continuing to run, you head straight for Ciel who has yet to register what's going on. Getting behind her, you fire a shot into her back, knocking her to the ground. Just as you thought, Penny came rushing to her teammates aid, leaving them both, you run and jump up onto the floating platforms. Turning around, you dodge a punch from Ciel who has followed you up, with every swing, she pushes you further and further by the edge. You feel your heel touch the edge and with the last punch, you duck down and slam your shoulder into her gut, knocking her back. Rushing forward, you jump up and kick her in the head on your way back down to the main platform. Landing, you immediately rush towards Penny in the center and begin to weave through the flying swords. Getting close, you slam your head into hers and shove the barrel of your revolver into her gut, firing off the last three shots into her, throwing her across the platform and into the geyser area. Holstering your pistol, you charge back to the now partly standing Ciel who has gotten back up off the floating platform. Jumping up to her, you grab her by the back of her neck and hold her up, the pit below the platforms directly under her. Penny finally gets back up and see's what you are doing. She rushes forward, sending her swords towards you, but you move Ciel in front of yourself. Seeing the swords move to either side to come around, you wait for the last possible moment and pull Ciel back just as you vanish, leaving a dark smoke in your wake. You reappear on top of the mountain top but nobody had noticed yet as Penny's own swords knocked down the rest of Ciel's aura. Sitting down, you wait for Penny to notice you as she starts to look around.

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