Chapter 3

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*Quick Note. I have decided after looking at a timeline for the RWBY universe, that the story will pick up with Ironwoods arrival at Beacon for the Vytal Festival. It made sense for him to be at Beacon at that time and not just a quick visit because you crashed in a forest.*

Ozpin: Well Y/N, the simplest way to solve whether the conversation will continue is with a single question. How would you like to be a student here at Beacon Academy, until you can figure out what you would like to do moving forward?


P. Goodwitch: Forgive me Professor, but what the in the name of all that is known are you thinking!? He has been here for all of a day! He has only been walking for a few hours! And we still barely know anything about him other than what little we have learned so far! And you want him to join a school, with people that are years younger than him? Why are you even thinking about letting him join without even telling him anything about the school in the first place!?

Ozpin: Ah, my apologies. Beacon Academy is a school that trains young individuals to fight the Grimm and protect the citizens or remnant. We call such individuals "huntsmen and huntresses". Generally speaking, students will enter the academy just after they finish their previous schooling at around 17 years old. However you would be a special case. Seeing as you are noticeably older than the other students here, I am going to assume you are in your mid 20s?

Y/N: 25 to be exact.

Ozpin: As I thought. Well anyways, what you will essentially be doing is both working as a student, and working with the faculty to learn as much as you can about our world. I wont be putting you on any missions until you are comfortable with it, so you dont need to worry about having to fight any Grimm anytime soon. So what do you think?

Y/N: What will the living conditions be like? Like the Professor here said, the students are quite a couple years younger than me for the most part. I dont know how your world works but at least for me that wasnt really a highly looked upon thing back home, even in college.

Ozpin: No I was planning on giving you a spare room. It will be in the same wing as the staff apartments right next to the workshop, garages, and hangars, seeing as you are not quite a student like the others, but you are also not a full staff member, and you are also quite unique to begin with. So you will be placed in the staff apartments for the time being until the time that you may decide to join on missions. At that time you will be assigned to a team and will move into the student dorms.

Y/N: Will I get to have my plane back? I would like to see it fly again, but I am worried to see its current condition, let alone how the hell I am going to fix it.

Ozpin: I sent a bullhead with a technician detail and huntsmen guard to retrieve your aircraft this morning. They should have arrived and moved the aircraft into the hangar to be stored until it can be repaired. You can go there just after you get settled into your apartment. Glynda, would you mind escorting Mr. L/N to his new residence?

P. Goodwitch: Come on Mr. L/N, lets get going. 

You and Goodwitch enter the elevator and make your way back through the school and head toward your new apartment.

P. Goodwitch: Here is your scroll. This will act as both your key and your phone to contact anyone that you have their information stored as a contact. 

You just stare at the scroll before looking back at her with a raised eyebrow.

Y/N: Annndd how does this work?

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