Chapter 27

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Y/N: I am going to go out on a limb and guess you don't want to be here.

Winter: You are not wrong. But thankfully I will only be here long enough to get you fitted for a new suit to replace your destroyed one. Then we will be on our way to see the General, now come. 

The bullhead lands in the front of the giant manor and the door opens, allowing you and Winter to get out. Winter steps out first and you follow behind her as she begins to walk towards the front door. Approaching the door, they open and a shorter man, standing slightly shorter than Weiss. He has on a white dress shirt with a black vest and dress pants.

???: Specialist Schnee, welcome to the Schnee Manor. I take it your visit is purely business?

Winter: Yes it is Klein. Is father home?

Klein: He is not at the moment, but he is due back any minute.

Winter: I see. Well, this is Officer L/N. He is here to get fitted for a suit for his work in the Atlas Military. 

Klein: I see. Well, come in then. I am sure the others will be happy to see you here.

He steps to the side and opens the door for the two of you to walk in.

Y/N: Forgive me, but I believe I am only familiar with your sister, are there others in your family?

Winter: Yes, I have a brother who is younger than Weiss. My mother should be around here somewhere but I will be surprised if you see her. And if all goes well, you will not have to meet my Father and explain as to why you are here.

Y/N: So are we not supposed to be here? I thought we were here to get me a suit.

Winter: We are, your previous suit came from here as well. The General had me stop by and get you a suit from our storerooms. Father always thought his body would change so he had various suits made to fit him no matter what happens. That was ten years ago.

Y/N: So my suit was one of your fathers? I'm surprised he ever thought he could get close to how I am now, and I am probably at least half his age.

Klein: Sir, if I may, I can direct you to where you can find a suit.

Y/N: That would be great. Thank you.

You begin to follow the man as he walks off to one of the hallways on the ground floor. Winter follows as well, and stays just behind you. Eventually the man stops at a door and unlocks it. He opens the door and walks in, turning the light on as he steps aside to let you in.

Klein: I can help measure you to find the appropriate size if you need, or you can just mix and match if that is what you so desire.

Winter: That won't be necessary, I remember where I retrieved his last suit.

Winter steps by you and walks off to one corner of the large room, in between the various rows of suits hanging on hangars and in cases.

Y/N: How many suits does he have in here?

Klein: Two-hundred forty-seven. 

Y/N: Jesus Christ that's a lot.

Winter walks up to you, holding a set of clothes in her arms and holds them out to you.

Winter: These should fit but you should try them on to make sure.

You take the clothes and look at Klein. He nods and walks out, closing the door behind him. You look at Winter and stare at her for a moment.

Winter: Is there a problem? I told you to try them on so why are you just standing there?

Y/N: Winter, we have only ever eaten dinner together and slept in the same room. The most you have actually seen of me is me with my shirt off but even then I put one on not too long after.

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