» Chapter Two «

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Warning: Cussing cause Tommy! SMH

Ranboo's Point of View~

I looked around my room. Everything was new to me right now, considering I have moved from my old home and city to a newer one. I was practically tired and I quickly tweeted out saying that I was going to go live in a few minutes and said I would be doing a longer stream.

I didn't really mind doing longer streams considering I loved streaming. Streaming has probably become a passion of mine since November 2020. I actually enjoy streaming with my friends on the Dream SMP or the Origin SMP. Today I just thought of going over to the Dream SMP.

After. few minutes I got up from my bed and walked over to my PC to set everything up for streaming. After I was done setting stuff up, I pressed the 'Go Live' button as the Starting Soon screen popped up as people filed in to watch my stream. I soon switched my screen to black.

"Hello! Welcome everyone!" I said as I booted up minecraft as I logged into the Dream SMP.

I pressed A4 to see who was on and the only people who were on were Tubbo, Tommy, Foolish and Sam. I just decided to do a chill stream today considering I didn't have anything serious planned nor does anyone else whose here.

I later joined a VC which consisted of Tommy and Tubbo. We basically talked about R]random stuff until Tommy started to cuss real loud cause technically he blew himself up with TNT on accident which made me slightly laugh and that's where the cussing began.

"F*** you Ranboo! Tubbo tell your husband to stop making fun of me!" Tommy yelled out as I stopped myself from laughing even tho I still had a smile on my face.

"Sorry Tommy I can't. It was a little funny to be honest." Tubbo said.

"Wh-what?! Tubbo you are supposed to be on my side!" Tommy yelled out.

"Sorry Boss Man!" Tubbo said between laughs.

I slightly deafened for a bit from their slight bickering as I looked over to my chat. to see everyone spamming 'LOL' and 'JealousInnit'. Honestly this was pretty funny. I didn't really pay much attention to the haters cause why should I?

"Thank you User4 for the five tier 1s! Holy cow!" I said as I un-deafened from the two and thankfully the banter stopped.

"Hey Ranboo do you have any lapis?" I heard Tommy ask as I looked in my inventory.

"Uh... yeah! I do actually. How much do you need?" I asked as his character stared at mine for a bit.

"All of it." He said.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now