» Chapter Three «

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Warning: Slight cussing

Amber's Point of View~

I was basically sleeping peacefully until somebody decided to hit me in the face with a pillow multiple times which is probably to wake me up.

"Amber! Wake up! You are gonna be late for school!" I heard Clay yell as I groaned in annoyance.

"Alright alright I am up! Don't have to shout! Jeez!" I said slowly trying to find my phone to see that it was 6:30AM.

"I am making breakfast. Now I have to wake up Clara!" He said as he ran out of my room. Sometimes I wonder if he plans on speedrunning in here and that's how he took it up in minecraft.

((Author: Clara is just a made up name for Drista!))

I was now left alone in my room as I got up. I had thirty minutes to get ready for school. I quickly took out what looked good to wear for school today and took a quick shower. After that I quickly dried my hair as i put on my clothes, put my dirty blonde hair in a loose ponytail with two side braids while a few parts fell to my sides and everything else.

I came downstairs to see Clara already at the table. I sat down beside her as Clay brought out two plates of bacon and eggs and two glasses of orange juice. We quickly ate in silence. After I was done, I put my plate and glass in the sink and cleaned them up.

I checked the time to see that it was 7AM. I quickly took my bag and headed out the door after telling them. My school was basically a fifteen minutes walk from here. I took out my phone as I put two of my ear pods on both of my ears as I opened my playlist.

The first song to come on was Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys. It was a favorite song of mine besides Cabinet Man and the Ultimate Showdown which were both by Lemon Demon, another favorite bands along with Arctic Monkeys. 

As I was listening to it, I saw that I had reached school. I paused my playlist as I took my ear buds out. I was practically praying Emily and her obnoxious gang weren't already her but as if God didn't plan on listening they were already there but on the other side of the lockers.

I didn't pay any attention to them and just went to my locker. As I was putting my stuff in I noticed someone coming to me and I glanced beside me to see it was Jason.

"Hey Amber." he said as he leaning against the lockers.

"I am not interested Jason. Leave me alone." I said closing my lockers as I walked away from him.

"Oh come on! At least give me a chance!" he said still trying to persuade me to actually accept his confession.

"Listen here Mister. I know how you are towards girls and I have seen how you have broken their hearts which included my best friend so get out of my sight." I aggressively said as I flipped him off and entered my class.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now