» Chapter Six «

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Warning: Slight swearing!

Amber's Point of View~

I didn't hesitate and just slowly accepted it. I saw that it was a link to his discord account. I slowly and gradually pressed the link and joined his server. After. few minutes I got a message from him on discord.



Hi! I am not really good with conversations much! 😅

Haha! Don't worry neither am I! So how are you doing?

I have been good. I just want to thank you so much for the raid honestly! You really didn't have to do that!

I didn't have to! I wanted to so here you go and your welcome! :)

The ':)' is officially a cursed emoji now lmao!

Hah! Yeah! Tho I wanted to ask you something?


I was wondering if you wanted to stream together? Anytime is fine with me! :D

Yeah sure! Sounds fun! How about tomorrow? I will message you after school on when we can do it! :D

That's completely fine! Anyways I gotta go! GN!


I put my phone down as I stared at the floor thinking as to what the hell just happened. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. Nope! I was totally not. I decided to just sleep through it all. Though I was pretty excited for tomorrow.

Ranboo's Point of View~

After I was done, I put my phone down as I fell back on my bed. I seriously did not expect her to actually accept this. I decided to VC Tubbo and Tommy to tell them about this considering they were the ones telling me to actually do it. Well mostly Tubbo but Tommy was there so yeah.

"Hey Ranboo!" Tommy practically somewhat yelled.

"Did you do it Big Man?! Did she accept it?" I heard Tubbo chime in.

"Uh yeah! She did actually. I didn't really expect her to accept it actually." I said as Tommy groaned and Tubbo whooped.

"I won my side of the bet Tommy! You owe me now!" Tubbo yelled at Tommy.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now